From: "Saved by Internet Explorer 11" Subject: Survey Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 15:10:50 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01D/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D7F0.9A80EDE0" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7601.23651 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D7F0.9A80EDE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file://P:\IRP\Compliance_Reports\IPEDS\F_Finance_Survey\FY2017\Survey.htm =EF=BB=BF =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 Survey=20 =20 =20 =20 =20


IPEDS Reporting Year Finance 2017-18 (2016-17 = =20 Data)
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Finance = =20 = =20 Overview
  The = =20 purpose = =20 = =20 of = =20 = the=20 = =20 IPEDS = =20 = =20 Finance = =20 component = =20 = =20 is = =20 to = =20 = =20 collect = =20 = basic=20 = =20 financial = =20 = =20 information = =20 from = =20 = =20 items = =20 = =20 associated = =20 with = =20 = =20 the = =20 = institution's =20 = =20 General = =20 = =20 Purpose = =20 Financial = =20 = =20 Statements.  
  There = =20 are = =20 = =20 no = =20 = new =20 = =20 changes = =20 = to =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 2017-18 = =20 Finance = =20 = =20 data = =20 = collection, =20 = =20 only = =20 = =20 clarification = =20 of = =20 = =20 instructions:

=E2=80=A2 = =20 = =20 For = =20 all = =20 = =20 institutions, = =20 =20 instructions = =20 have = =20 = =20 been = =20 added = =20 = =20 to = =20 = the =20 = =20 expense = =20 = =20 section = =20 to = =20 = =20 clarify = =20 that = =20 = =20 Operation = =20 = and =20 = =20 Maintenance = =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = should =20 = =20 be = =20 = excluded =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 the = =20 other = =20 = =20 natural = =20 = classification =20 = =20 categories = =20 = =20 (e.g., = =20 salaries = =20 = =20 and = =20 = wages, =20 = =20 benefits, = =20 = =20 depreciation, = =20 etc.) = =20 = =20
=E2=80=A2 = =20 = =20 For = =20 GASB = =20 = =20 institutions, = =20 = clarifications =20 = =20 have = =20 = =20 been = =20 added = =20 = =20 to = =20 the = =20 = =20 pension = =20 section = =20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 institutions = =20 with = =20 = =20 jointly = =20 = audited =20 = =20 financial = =20 = =20 statements.
  = =20 =20 Resources:
= =20 = To =20 = =20 download = =20 = the =20 = =20 survey = =20 = =20 materials = =20 for = =20 = =20 this = =20 = component: =20 = =20 Survey = =20 = Materials
  To = =20 access = =20 = =20 your = =20 = =20 prior = =20 year = =20 = =20 data = =20 submission = =20 = =20 for = =20 this = =20 = =20 component: = =20 = =20 Reported = =20 = Data  

= =20 = If =20 = =20 you = =20 = =20 have = =20 questions = =20 = =20 about = =20 = completing =20 = =20 this = =20 = =20 survey, = =20 please = =20 = =20 contact = =20 the = =20 = =20 IPEDS = =20 = Help =20 = =20 Desk = =20 = =20 at = =20 =20 1-877-225-2568.
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Finance=20 = =20 - = =20 Public = =20 institutions
Reporting = =20 = =20 Standard
Please = =20 = =20 indicate = =20 which = =20 = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 standards = =20 are = =20 = =20 used = =20 to = =20 = =20 prepare = =20 your = =20 = =20 financial = =20 = =20 statements:
        =20 = =20 GASB = =20 = (Governmental =20 = =20 Accounting = =20 = =20 Standards = =20 Board), = =20 = =20 using = =20 = =20 standards = =20 of = =20 = =20 GASB = =20 34 = =20 = =20 & = =20 = 35
   =20 = =20 FASB = =20 = (Financial =20 = =20 Accounting = =20 = =20 Standards = =20 = Board)
Please = =20 = =20 consult = =20 your = =20 = =20 business = =20 = =20 officer = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 correct = =20 = =20 response = =20 before = =20 = =20 saving = =20 = =20 this = =20 screen. = =20 = =20 = =20 Your = =20 = =20 response = =20 = to =20 = =20 this = =20 = =20 question = =20 will = =20 = =20 determine = =20 the = =20 = =20 forms = =20 = you=20 = =20 will = =20 = =20 receive = =20 for = =20 = =20 reporting = =20 = finance =20 = =20 =20 data.
= =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Finance=20 = =20 - = =20 Public = =20 institutions
General = =20 = =20 Information
= =20 = =20 GASB-Reporting = =20 = Institutions=20 = =20 (aligned = =20 = =20 form)
To = =20 = the =20 = =20 extent = =20 = =20 possible, = =20 the = =20 = =20 finance = =20 = data =20 = =20 requested = =20 = =20 in = =20 this = =20 = =20 report = =20 should = =20 = =20 be = =20 provided = =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 your = =20 institution's = =20 = =20 audited = =20 = General =20 = =20 Purpose = =20 = =20 Financial = =20 Statements = =20 = =20 (GPFS). = =20 = =20 Please = =20 refer = =20 = =20 to = =20 the = =20 = =20 instructions = =20 = =20 specific = =20 to = =20 = =20 each = =20 screen = =20 = =20 of = =20 the = =20 = =20 survey = =20 = for =20 = =20 details = =20 = =20 and = =20 = references.
1. = =20 = =20 Fiscal = =20 Year = =20 = =20 Calendar
This = =20 = =20 report = =20 covers = =20 = =20 financial = =20 = =20 activities = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 12-month = =20 = =20 fiscal = =20 = year: =20 = =20 (The = =20 = =20 fiscal = =20 year = =20 = =20 reported = =20 should = =20 = =20 be = =20 = the =20 = =20 most = =20 = recent =20 = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year = =20 ending = =20 = =20 before = =20 = October =20 = =20 1, = =20 = =20 2017.)
Beginning: = =20 =20 month/year = =20 = (MMYYYY) Month:  7 Year:  2016
And = =20 ending: = =20 = =20 month/year = =20 = =20 (MMYYYY) Month:  6 Year:  2017
2. = =20 = =20 Audit = =20 = =20 Opinion
Did = =20 = =20 your = =20 institution = =20 = =20 receive = =20 an = =20 = =20 unqualified = =20 = =20 opinion = =20 on = =20 = =20 its = =20 General = =20 = =20 Purpose = =20 = =20 Financial = =20 Statements = =20 = =20 from = =20 your = =20 = =20 auditor = =20 = =20 for = =20 the = =20 = =20 fiscal = =20 year = =20 = =20 noted = =20 above? = =20 = =20 (If = =20 = your =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 is = =20 audited = =20 = =20 only = =20 in = =20 = =20 combination = =20 = with =20 = =20 another = =20 = =20 entity, = =20 answer = =20 = =20 this = =20 = question =20 = =20 based = =20 = =20 on = =20 the = =20 = =20 audit = =20 of = =20 = =20 that = =20 = entity.)
      =20 = =20 Unqualified  =20 = =20 =20 = =20 Qualified
= =20 = =20 (Explain = =20 in
= =20 = =20 box = =20 = =20 below)
 =20 = =20 Don't = =20 know = =20 = =20 OR = =20 = in =20 = =20 progress
= =20 = =20 (Explain = =20 in
= =20 = =20 box = =20 = =20 =20 = below)           &= nbsp;   
3. = =20 = =20 Reporting = =20 Model = =20 = =20 = =20
= =20 = =20 GASB = =20 = =20 Statement = =20 No. = =20 = =20 34 = =20 offers = =20 = =20 three = =20 = alternative = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 models = =20 = for =20 = =20 special-purpose = =20 = =20 governments = =20 like = =20 = =20 colleges = =20 = =20 and = =20 universities. = =20 = =20 Which = =20 model = =20 = =20 is = =20 = used=20 = =20 by = =20 = your =20 = =20 institution?
       =20 = =20 Business = =20 = Type =20 = =20 Activities
   =20 = =20 Governmental = =20 = =20 Activities
   =20 = =20 Governmental = =20 = =20 Activities = =20 with = =20 = =20 Business-Type = =20 = =20 Activities
4. = =20 = =20 Intercollegiate = =20 = Athletics=20 = =20
= =20 = =20 If = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = participates =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 intercollegiate = =20 athletics, = =20 = =20 are = =20 = the =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = =20 accounted = =20 for = =20 = =20 as = =20 = auxiliary =20 = =20 enterprises = =20 = =20 or = =20 treated = =20 = =20 as = =20 student = =20 = =20 services?
      =20 = =20 Auxiliary = =20 = =20 =20 = enterprises          &n= bsp;    
      =20 = =20 Student = =20 = =20 = services           = ;    
      =20 = =20 Does = =20 not = =20 = =20 participate = =20 = =20 in = =20 intercollegiate = =20 = =20 =20 = athletics          &nbs= p;    
      =20 = =20 Other = =20 = (specify =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 box = =20 =20 = below)           &= nbsp;   
5. = =20 = =20 Endowment = =20 Assets = =20 = =20 = =20
= =20 = =20 Does = =20 = this=20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 or = =20 any = =20 = =20 of = =20 its = =20 = =20 foundations = =20 or = =20 = =20 other = =20 = =20 affiliated = =20 = organizations =20 = =20 own = =20 = endowment = =20 = =20 assets = =20 = ?
   =20 = =20 No
      =20 = =20 Yes = =20 - = =20 = =20 (report = =20 = =20 endowment = =20 =20 = assets)           =     
6. = =20 = =20 Pension = =20
= =20 = =20 Does = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 include = =20 pension = =20 = =20 liabilities, = =20 = expenses,=20 = =20 and/or = =20 = =20 deferrals = =20 for = =20 = =20 one = =20 or = =20 = =20 more = =20 = =20 defined = =20 benefit = =20 = =20 pension = =20 plans = =20 = =20 in = =20 its = =20 = =20 General = =20 = =20 Purpose = =20 Financial = =20 = =20 Statements?
   =20 = =20 No
   =20 = =20 =20 = =20 =20 = Yes           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;   
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 A = =20 - = =20 Statement = =20 of = =20 = Net =20 = =20 Position = =20 Page = =20 1
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
If = =20 = =20 your = =20 institution = =20 = =20 is = =20 a = =20 = =20 parent = =20 = institution =20 = =20 then = =20 = =20 the = =20 amounts = =20 = =20 reported = =20 in = =20 = =20 Parts = =20 = A =20 = =20 and = =20 D = =20 = =20 should = =20 = =20 include = =20 ALL = =20 = =20 of = =20 your = =20 = =20 child = =20 =20 institutions
Line = =20 = no.   Current = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount Prior = =20 year = =20 = =20 amount
01 Total = =20 current=20 = =20 assets  1,182,470,566  1,475,307,755
31 Depreciable = =20 = capital = =20 = =20 assets, = =20 net = =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 depreciation  28,569,001  33,117,414
04 Other = =20 = noncurrent =20 = =20 =20 assets
 1,697,139,515  1,286,379,308
05 Total = =20 noncurrent=20 = =20 assets  1,725,708,516  1,319,496,722
06 Total = =20 = assets =20 = =20
= =20 = =20 CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D(A01+A05)
 2,908,179,082  2,794,804,477
19 Deferred=20 = =20 outflows = =20 = =20 of = =20 =20 resources  137,101,970  291,985,048
07 Long-term=20 = =20 debt, = =20 = =20 current = =20 =20 portion  44,315,168  62,096,103
08 Other = =20 = current =20 = =20 liabilities
= =20 = =20 CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D(A09-A07)
 2,158,083,778  2,116,780,706
09 Total = =20 current=20 = =20 = liabilities  2,202,398,946  2,178,876,809
10 Long-term=20 = =20 debt  28,506,740  0
11 Other = =20 = noncurrent =20 = =20 liabilities = =20 = =20
= =20 = CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D(A12-A10)
 745,316,234  926,089,482
12 Total = =20 noncurrent=20 = =20 = liabilities  773,822,974  926,089,482
13 Total = =20 =20 liabilities = =20
= =20 = =20 CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D(A09+A12)
 2,976,221,920  3,104,966,291
20 Deferred=20 = =20 inflows = =20 = =20 of = =20 =20 resources  44,857,229  32,052,618
  Net=20 = =20 = Position    
14 Invested=20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 capital = =20 assets, = =20 = =20 net = =20 of = =20 = =20 related = =20 = =20 debt =20 = =20  -45,123,474  -7,314,008
15 Restricted-expendable  10,499,642  9,469,302
16 Restricted-nonexpendable  59,784,960  54,938,347
17 Unrestricted = =20 = =20
= =20 =20 CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D[A18-(A14+A15+A16)]
=20 = =20  -959,225  -107,323,025
18 Net =20 = =20 position = =20 = =20
= =20 = =20 CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D[(A06+A19)-(A13+A20)]
 24,201,903  -50,229,384
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 A = =20 - = =20 Statement = =20 of = =20 = Net =20 = =20 Position = =20 Page = =20 2
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Line = =20 = No. Description Ending = =20 = balance Prior = =20 = year
=20 = =20 Ending = =20 = =20 balance
  Capital=20 = =20 Assets    
21 Land=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 land = =20 =20 improvements  3,840,896  3,840,896
22 Infrastructure  1,360,135  1,360,135
23 Buildings  21,493,515  21,444,058
32 Equipment, = =20 =20 including = =20 art = =20 = =20 and = =20 library=20 = =20 = collections  81,633,881  81,824,350
27 Construction=20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 progress  0  0
  Total = =20 = for =20 = =20 Plant, = =20 = =20 Property = =20 and = =20 = =20 Equipment
= =20 = CV
=20 = =20 =/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D = =20 = =20 (A21+ = =20 .. = =20 = =20 A27)
 108,328,427  108,469,439
28 Accumulated=20 = =20 = depreciation  91,116,423  86,692,432
33 Intangible = =20 = assets, =20 = =20 net = =20 = =20 of = =20 accumulated = =20 = =20 amortization  0  0
34 Other = =20 = capital =20 = =20 assets  11,356,998  11,340,408
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 D = =20 - = =20 Summary = =20 of = =20 = Changes =20 = =20 In = =20 Net = =20 Position
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
If = =20 = =20 your = =20 institution = =20 = =20 is = =20 a = =20 = =20 parent = =20 = institution =20 = =20 then = =20 = =20 the = =20 amounts = =20 = =20 reported = =20 in = =20 = =20 Parts = =20 = A =20 = =20 and = =20 D = =20 = =20 should = =20 = =20 include = =20 ALL = =20 = =20 of = =20 your = =20 = =20 child = =20 =20 institutions
Line = =20 = No. Description Current = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount Prior = =20 year = =20 = =20 amount
01 Total = =20 = revenues =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 other = =20 additions = =20 = =20 for = =20 this = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 AND = =20 all = =20 = =20 of = =20 its = =20 = =20 child = =20 = institutions =20 = =20  174,985,733  97,303,736
02 Total = =20 = expenses =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 deductions = =20 for = =20 = =20 this = =20 = institution =20 = =20 AND = =20 = =20 all = =20 of = =20 = =20 its = =20 child = =20 = =20 institutions  100,554,448  130,921,548
03 Change = =20 in = =20 = =20 net = =20 = =20 position = =20 during = =20 = =20 year
 74,431,285  -33,617,812
04 Net =20 = =20 position = =20 = =20 beginning = =20 = of =20 = =20 year = =20 for = =20 = =20 this = =20 = =20 institution = =20 AND = =20 = =20 all = =20 of = =20 = =20 its = =20 child = =20 = =20 institutions  -50,229,384  -16,611,573
05 Adjustments = =20 = =20 to = =20 = beginning =20 = =20 net = =20 = =20 position = =20 and = =20 = =20 other = =20 gains = =20 = =20 or = =20 losses = =20 = =20 =
 2  1
06 Net = =20 = position =20 = =20 end = =20 = =20 of = =20 year = =20 = =20 for = =20 this = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 AND = =20 all = =20 = =20 of = =20 its = =20 = =20 child = =20 = institutions =20 = =20 (from = =20 = =20 A18)  24,201,903  -50,229,384
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 B = =20 - = =20 Revenues = =20 by = =20 = Source =20 = =20 (1)
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
  Report = =20 = =20 in = =20 whole = =20 = =20 dollars = =20 =20 only
Line = =20 = No. Source = =20 = =20 of = =20 Funds Current = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount Prior = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount
  Operating=20 = =20 Revenues    
01 Tuition=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 fees, = =20 = after =20 = =20 deducting = =20 = discounts = =20 = =20 and = =20 = allowances  0  0
  Grants = =20 = =20 and = =20 contracts = =20 = =20 - = =20 operating    
02 Federal = =20 = =20 operating = =20 grants = =20 = =20 and = =20 = contracts  0  0
03 State = =20 = =20 operating = =20 grants = =20 = =20 and = =20 = contracts  0  9,151
04 Local = =20 = =20 government/private = =20 = operating =20 = =20 grants = =20 = =20 and = =20 contracts  0  0
  04a Local = =20 = government =20 = =20 operating = =20 = =20 grants = =20 and = =20 = =20 contracts  0  0
  04b Private = =20 = operating =20 = =20 grants = =20 = =20 and = =20 contracts  0  0
05 Sales = =20 = =20 and = =20 services = =20 = =20 of = =20 auxiliary=20 = =20 = enterprises,
=20 = =20 after = =20 = =20 deducting = =20 discounts=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 allowances
 30,892,045  30,388,164
26 Sales=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 services = =20 of = =20 = =20 educational = =20 =20 activities  824,089  998,689
08 Other = =20 = =20 sources = =20 - = =20 = =20 operating = =20 = =20 (CV)
= =20 CV
=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D[B09-(B01+ = =20 = =20 ....+B26)]
 3,708,405  13,152,944
09 Total = =20 = =20 operating = =20 = revenues  35,424,539  44,548,948
= =20 =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 B = =20 - = =20 Revenues = =20 by = =20 = Source =20 = =20 (2)
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Line = =20 = No. Source = =20 = =20 of = =20 funds Current = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount Prior = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount
  Nonoperating=20 = =20 = =20 = =20 Revenues    
10 Federal = =20 = =20 appropriations  9,738,949  9,748,978
11 State = =20 = =20 appropriations  21,990,492  23,551,639
12 Local=20 = =20 appropriations, = =20 = =20 education = =20 = =20 district = =20 taxes, = =20 = =20 and = =20 similar = =20 = =20 support  0  0
13 Federal = =20 = =20 nonoperating = =20 grants = =20 = =20 Do = =20 = =20 NOT = =20 include = =20 = =20 Federal = =20 = =20 Direct = =20 Student = =20 = =20 Loans  0  0
14 State = =20 = =20 nonoperating = =20 = grants  0  0
15 Local = =20 = =20 government = =20 = nonoperating =20 = =20 grants  0  0
16 Gifts,=20 = =20 including = =20 = =20 contributions =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 affiliated = =20 =20 organizations  119,730  171,470
17 Investment=20 = =20 income  107,705,056  18,632,299
18 Other = =20 = =20 nonoperating = =20 = revenues =20 = =20 =20
 6,467  649,402
19 Total = =20 = =20 nonoperating = =20 = revenues  139,560,694  52,753,788
27 Total = =20 = =20 operating = =20 and = =20 = =20 nonoperating = =20 = =20 revenues = =20
= =20 = =20 CV
 174,985,233  97,302,736
28 12-month=20 = =20 Student = =20 = =20 FTE = =20 from = =20 = =20 E12      
29 Total = =20 = =20 operating = =20 and = =20 = =20 nonoperating = =20 = =20 revenues = =20 per = =20 = =20 student = =20 FTE = =20 = =20
= =20 =20 CV
= =20 =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 B = =20 - = =20 Revenues = =20 by = =20 = Source =20 = =20 (3)
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Line = =20 = No. Source = =20 = of =20 = =20 funds Current = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount Prior = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount
  Other = =20 = Revenues =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 Additions    
20 Capital=20 = =20 = appropriations  0  0
21 Capital=20 = =20 grants = =20 = =20 and = =20 = gifts  0  0
22 Additions=20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 permanent = =20 =20 endowments  500  1,000
23 Other = =20 = revenues =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 additions = =20 =20
 0  0
24 Total = =20 other = =20 = =20 revenues = =20 = =20 and = =20 =20 additions
 500  1,000
25 Total = =20 all = =20 = =20 revenues = =20 = =20 and = =20 other = =20 = =20 additions =20 = =20  174,985,733  97,303,736
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
= =20 =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 C-1 = =20 - = =20 Expenses = =20 by = =20 = =20 Functional = =20 Classification
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 2016 = =20 = =20 - = =20 June = =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017 = =20
=20 = =20 Report = =20 = =20 Total = =20 Operating = =20 = =20 AND = =20 = Nonoperating =20 = =20 Expenses = =20 = =20 in = =20 this = =20 = =20 section
Line = =20 = =20 No. Expense: = =20 = =20 Functional = =20 = Classifications Total =20 = =20 amount Prior =20 = =20 Year
= =20 = =20 Total = =20 = Amount
Salaries = =20 = =20 and = =20 =20 wages Prior =20 = =20 Year
= =20 = =20 Salaries = =20 and = =20 = =20 wages
  (1)   (2)  
01 Instruction =20 = =20  6,007,890  8,775,951 =20 = =20  120,868  49,080
02 Research =20 = =20  1,870,020  3,788,626  57,389  306,259
03 Public = =20 = =20 service =20 = =20  2,216,747  2,510,106 =20 = =20  306,271  141,404
05 Academic = =20 = =20 support  2,455,957  3,119,979  165,851  215,012
06 Student = =20 = =20 services  3,911,841  4,088,594  1,083,285  1,126,005
07 Institutional = =20 = =20 support  50,681,841  63,142,527  29,277,382  29,450,910
10 Scholarships=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 fellowships = =20 =20 expenses,
= =20 net = =20 = =20 of = =20 discounts=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 allowances
= =20 (from = =20 = =20 Part = =20 = E, =20 = =20 E11)
 0  0  
11 Auxiliary = =20 = =20 enterprises  31,357,691  32,189,619  5,565,614  5,419,703
14 Other = =20 = =20 Functional = =20 = =20 Expenses = =20 and = =20 = =20 deductions = =20 = =20
 2,052,461  13,306,146  0  0
19 Total =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = =20 and = =20 =20 deductions  100,554,448  130,921,548  36,576,660  36,708,373
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 C-2 = =20 - = =20 Expenses = =20 by = =20 = =20 Natural = =20 Classification
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Line = =20 = No. Expense:=20 = =20 Natural = =20 = =20 Classifications Total = =20 =20 Amount Prior = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount
19-2 Salaries=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 Wages(from = =20 = Part =20 = =20 C-1,Column = =20 = 2 =20 = =20 line = =20 = =20 19)  36,576,660  36,708,373
19-3 Benefits  26,563,601  34,118,658
19-4 Operation=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 Maintenance = =20 of = =20 = =20 Plant = =20 (as = =20 = =20 a = =20 = =20 natural = =20 expense)  2,650,966  4,201,781
19-5 Depreciation  5,529,699  5,792,734
19-6 Interest =20 = =20  1,918,715  5,072,027
19-7 Other =20 = =20 Natural = =20 = =20 Expenses = =20 and = =20 = =20 Deductions
= =20 = =20 CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D[C19-1 = =20 - = =20 = =20 (C19-2 = =20 + = =20 = =20 ... = =20 + = =20 = =20 C19-6)]
 27,314,807  45,027,975
19-1 Total = =20 = Expenses =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 Deductions
= =20 (from = =20 = =20 Part = =20 = C-1, =20 = =20 Line = =20 = =20 19)
 100,554,448  130,921,548
20-1 12-month=20 = =20 Student = =20 = =20 FTE = =20 (from = =20 = =20 E12 = =20 = survey)      
21-1 Total = =20 = expenses =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 deductions = =20 per = =20 = =20 student = =20 FTE
= =20 = =20 CV=/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D[C19-1/C20-1]
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 M = =20 - = =20 Pension = =20 = Information
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Line = =20 = No. Description Current = =20 = year =20 = =20 amount Prior = =20 Year = =20 = =20 amount  
01 Pension = =20 = expense =20 = =20  21,309,438  132,460,901  
02 Net = =20 Pension = =20 = =20 liability =20 = =20  -135,921,496  197,462,039  
03 Deferred = =20 = inflows =20 = =20 related = =20 = =20 to = =20 pension =20 = =20  12,804,611  32,052,618  
04 Deferred = =20 = outflows =20 = =20 related = =20 = =20 to = =20 pension =20 = =20  -144,426,323  196,328,150  
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 H = =20 - = =20 Details = =20 of = =20 =20 Endowment = =20 Assets
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Line = =20 = No. Value = =20 of = =20 = =20 Endowment = =20 = =20 Assets Market=20 = =20 Value Prior = =20 = Year =20 = =20 Amounts
   Include = =20 = not =20 = =20 only = =20 = =20 endowment = =20 assets = =20 = =20 held = =20 by = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 institution, = =20 but = =20 = =20 any = =20 assets = =20 = =20 held = =20 by = =20 = =20 private = =20 = =20 foundations = =20 affiliated = =20 = =20 with = =20 = the =20 = =20 institution.    
01 Value = =20 of=20 = =20 endowment = =20 = =20 assets = =20 = at =20 = =20 the = =20 = beginning=20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year  187,184,299  187,222,657
02 Value = =20 of = =20 = =20 endowment=20 = =20 assets = =20 = =20 at = =20 the = =20 = =20 end = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year  194,740,133  187,184,299
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 J = =20 - = =20 Revenue = =20 Data = =20 = for =20 = =20 the = =20 Census = =20 Bureau
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Source = =20 = =20 and = =20 = type Amount
Total = =20 for = =20 = =20 all = =20 = =20 funds
= =20 and = =20 = =20 operations
= =20 =20 (includes
= =20 = endowment =20 = =20 funds,
= =20 = but =20 = =20 excludes = =20 = =20 component = =20 units)
Education = =20 = and =20 = =20 general/independent = =20 = =20 operations Auxiliary = =20 =20 enterprises = =20 Hospitals = =20 = Agriculture = =20 = =20 extension/experiment = =20 = services
  (1)   (2) (3) (4) (5)
01 Tuition = =20 and = =20 = =20 fees  0  0      
02 Sales = =20 and = =20 = =20 services  31,716,134  824,089  30,892,045     0
03 Federal = =20 =20 grants/contracts = =20 = (excludes =20 = =20 Pell = =20 = =20 Grants)  0  0  0  0  0
  Revenue = =20 = =20 from = =20 the = =20 = =20 state = =20 =20 government:
04 State = =20 =20 appropriations, = =20 = current =20 = =20 & = =20 =20 capital  21,990,492  21,990,492  0  0  0
05 State = =20 = grants =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 contracts  0  0  0  0  0
  Revenue = =20 = =20 from = =20 local = =20 = =20 governments:
06 Local = =20 =20 appropriation, = =20 = current =20 = =20 & = =20 =20 capital  0  0  0  0  0
07 Local = =20 = government =20 = =20 grants/contracts  0  0  0  0  0
08 Receipts = =20 = from =20 = =20 property = =20 = =20 and = =20 non-property = =20 = =20 taxes  0  
09 Gifts = =20 and = =20 = =20 private = =20 = =20 grants,
= =20 NOT = =20 = =20 including = =20 = capital =20 = =20 grants
10 Interest = =20 =20 earnings  32,044,553  
11 Dividend=20 = =20 earnings  0  
12 Realized=20 = =20 capital = =20 = =20 gains  7,471,215  
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 K = =20 - = =20 Expenditure = =20 Data = =20 = =20 for = =20 the = =20 Census = =20 Bureau
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Category Total = =20 for = =20 = =20 all = =20 = =20 funds = =20 and 
= =20 = =20 operations (includes
= =20 = =20 endowment = =20 =20 funds,
= =20 but = =20 = =20 excludes = =20 = component =20 = =20 units)
Education = =20 = and =20 = =20 general/
= =20 = =20 independent = =20 =20 operations
Auxiliary = =20 =20 enterprises Hospitals = =20 = Agriculture = =20 = extension/
= =20 = experiment =20 = =20 services
  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
02 Employee = =20 = benefits, =20 = =20 total  27,023,190  25,113,875  1,909,315  0  0
03 Payment = =20 to = =20 = =20 state = =20 = =20 retirement = =20 funds = =20 = =20 (maybe = =20 = included =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 line = =20 02 = =20 = =20 above)  0  0  0  0  0
04 Current = =20 =20 expenditures = =20 =20 including = =20 salaries  45,765,352  25,241,908  20,523,444  0  0
  Capital = =20 =20 outlays  
05 Construction  0  0  0  0  0
06 Equipment = =20 =20 purchases  919,688  919,688  0  0  0
07 Land = =20 = purchases  0  0  0  0  0
08 Interest = =20 on = =20 = =20 debt = =20 = =20 outstanding, = =20 all = =20 = =20 funds = =20 and = =20 = =20 activities  1,918,715  
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 L = =20 - = =20 Debt = =20 and = =20 = Assets =20 = =20 for = =20 Census = =20 Bureau, = =20 page = =20 = =20 1
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Category Amount
01 Long-term = =20 = debt =20 = =20 outstanding = =20 = =20 at = =20 beginning = =20 = =20 of = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year  0
02 Long-term = =20 = debt =20 = =20 issued = =20 = =20 during = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year  0
03 Long-term = =20 = debt =20 = =20 retired = =20 = =20 during = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year  0
04 Long-term = =20 = debt =20 = =20 outstanding = =20 = =20 at = =20 end = =20 = =20 of = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year  0
05 Short-term = =20 = debt =20 = =20 outstanding = =20 = =20 at = =20 beginning = =20 = =20 of = =20 = fiscal =20 = =20 year  62,096,000
06 Short-term = =20 = debt =20 = =20 outstanding = =20 = =20 at = =20 end = =20 = =20 of = =20 fiscal = =20 = =20 year  44,315,168
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 L = =20 - = =20 Debt = =20 and = =20 = Assets =20 = =20 for = =20 Census = =20 Bureau, = =20 page = =20 = =20 2
Fiscal = =20 = =20 Year: = =20 July = =20 = =20 1, = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 - = =20 = June =20 = =20 30, = =20 = =20 2017
Category Amount
07 Total = =20 cash = =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 security = =20 assets = =20 = =20 held = =20 at = =20 = =20 end = =20 of = =20 = =20 fiscal = =20 = year =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 sinking = =20 or = =20 = =20 debt = =20 service = =20 = =20 funds  0
08 Total = =20 cash = =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 security = =20 assets = =20 = =20 held = =20 at = =20 = =20 end = =20 of = =20 = =20 fiscal = =20 = year =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 bond = =20 funds  0
09 Total = =20 cash = =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 security = =20 assets = =20 = =20 held = =20 at = =20 = =20 end = =20 of = =20 = =20 fiscal = =20 = year =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 all = =20 other = =20 = =20 funds  898,561,280
You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = reported =20 = =20 above.
  = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Prepared=20 = =20 by
The = =20 = =20 name = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 preparer = =20 = =20 is = =20 being = =20 = =20 collected = =20 = =20 so = =20 that = =20 = =20 we = =20 can = =20 = =20 follow = =20 up = =20 = =20 with = =20 the = =20 = =20 appropriate = =20 = =20 person = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 event = =20 = =20 that = =20 there = =20 = =20 are = =20 = questions =20 = =20 concerning = =20 = =20 the = =20 data. = =20 = =20 The = =20 = Keyholder =20 = =20 will = =20 be = =20 = =20 copied = =20 = =20 on = =20 all = =20 = =20 email = =20 correspondence = =20 = =20 to = =20 = other =20 = =20 preparers.
The = =20 = =20 time = =20 it = =20 = =20 took = =20 to = =20 = =20 prepare = =20 this = =20 = =20 component = =20 = =20 is = =20 being = =20 = =20 collected = =20 so = =20 = =20 that = =20 we = =20 = =20 can = =20 = continue =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 improve = =20 our = =20 = =20 estimate = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 burden = =20 = =20 associated = =20 with = =20 = =20 IPEDS. = =20 Please = =20 = =20 include = =20 = =20 in = =20 your = =20 = =20 estimate = =20 the = =20 = =20 time = =20 it = =20 = =20 took = =20 for = =20 = =20 you = =20 = to=20 = =20 review = =20 = =20 instructions, = =20 query = =20 = =20 and = =20 search = =20 = =20 data = =20 = =20 sources, = =20 complete = =20 = =20 and = =20 review = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 component, = =20 and = =20 = =20 submit = =20 the = =20 = =20 data = =20 through = =20 = =20 the = =20 = Data =20 = =20 Collection = =20 = =20 System.
Thank = =20 = =20 you = =20 for = =20 = =20 your = =20 = assistance.
This = =20 = =20 survey = =20 component = =20 = =20 was = =20 = =20 prepared = =20 by:
   =20 = =20   Keyholder  =20 = =20   SFA Contact  =20 = =20   HR Contact  
   =20 = =20   Finance = =20 = =20 Contact  =20 = =20   Academic Library = =20 = =20 Contact  =20 = =20   Other  
How = =20 = =20 many = =20 staff = =20 = =20 from = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = only=20 = =20 were = =20 = =20 involved = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 collection = =20 and = =20 = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 process = =20 of = =20 = =20 this = =20 survey = =20 = =20 component? = =20 = =20
     Number = =20 = =20 of = =20 Staff = =20 = =20 (including = =20 =20 yourself)  
How = =20 = =20 many = =20 hours = =20 = =20 did = =20 you = =20 = =20 and = =20 others = =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 your = =20 institution = =20 = =20 only = =20 spend = =20 = =20 on = =20 each = =20 = =20 of = =20 = the =20 = =20 steps = =20 = =20 below = =20 when = =20 = =20 responding = =20 to = =20 = =20 this = =20 survey = =20 = =20 = component?

Exclude =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 hours = =20 spent = =20 = =20 collecting = =20 data = =20 = =20 for = =20 state = =20 = =20 and = =20 = other =20 = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 purposes.
  Staff = =20 =20 member Collecting = =20 = =20 Data = =20 = Needed Revising = =20 = =20 Data = =20 to = =20 = =20 Match
= =20 IPEDS = =20 = =20 Requirements
Entering = =20 = =20 Data Revising = =20 = =20 and = =20 Locking = =20 = =20 Data  
  Your = =20 =20 office    hours    hours    hours    hours  
  Other = =20 =20 offices    hours    hours    hours    hours  
= =20 =20
Institution: = =20 = =20 University = =20 of = =20 = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) = =20 = =20 User = =20 ID: = =20 = =20 29C0011
= =20 =20
=20 = =20 Finance = =20 Survey = =20 Summary = =20 = =20

= =20 IPEDS = =20 collects = =20 = important=20 = =20 information = =20 regarding = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution. = =20 All = =20 data = =20 reported = =20 = =20 in = =20 IPEDS = =20 survey = =20 = components =20 = =20 become = =20 available = =20 in = =20 the = =20 = =20 IPEDS = =20 Data = =20 Center = =20 and = =20 = =20 appear = =20 as = =20 aggregated = =20 data = =20 = =20 in = =20 various = =20 Department = =20 of = =20 = =20 Education = =20 reports. = =20 Additionally, = =20 = some =20 = =20 of = =20 the = =20 reported = =20 = data =20 = =20 appears = =20 specifically = =20 for = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 through = =20 the = =20 = College =20 = =20 Navigator = =20 website = =20 and = =20 = is =20 = =20 included = =20 in = =20 your = =20 =20 institution=E2=80=99s = =20 Data = =20 Feedback = =20 = Report =20 = =20 (DFR). = =20 The = =20 purpose = =20 of = =20 = =20 this = =20 summary = =20 is = =20 to = =20 = provide =20 = =20 you = =20 an = =20 opportunity = =20 = to =20 = =20 view = =20 some = =20 of = =20 the = =20 = =20 data = =20 that, = =20 when = =20 accepted = =20 = =20 through = =20 the = =20 IPEDS = =20 quality = =20 = =20 control = =20 process, = =20 will = =20 appear = =20 = =20 on = =20 the = =20 College = =20 Navigator = =20 = =20 website = =20 and/or = =20 your = =20 DFR. = =20 = =20 College = =20 Navigator = =20 is = =20 updated = =20 = =20 approximately = =20 three = =20 months = =20 = after =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 collection = =20 = period =20 = =20 closes = =20 and = =20 Data = =20 Feedback = =20 = =20 Reports = =20 will = =20 be = =20 available = =20 = =20 through = =20 the = =20 Data = =20 Center = =20 and = =20 = =20 sent = =20 to = =20 your = =20 = institution=E2=80=99s =20 = =20 CEO = =20 in = =20 November = =20 2017. = =20 =

= =20 Please = =20 review = =20 = your =20 = =20 data = =20 for = =20 accuracy. = =20 If = =20 = =20 you = =20 have = =20 questions = =20 about = =20 = the=20 = =20 data = =20 displayed = =20 below = =20 = =20 after = =20 reviewing = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 reported = =20 on = =20 the = =20 survey = =20 = screens, = =20 please = =20 contact = =20 the = =20 = =20 IPEDS = =20 Help = =20 Desk = =20 at: = =20 = =20 1-877-225-2568 = =20 or = =20 = =20

Core=20 = =20 Revenues
Revenue = =20 = =20 = =20 Source Reported = =20 = =20 = =20 values Percent = =20 = =20 = of =20 = =20 total = =20 = =20 = core =20 = =20 = =20 revenues Core = =20 = =20 = revenues=20 = =20 per = =20 = =20 = FTE =20 = =20 = =20 enrollment
Tuition = =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 fees $0 0% N/A
State = =20 = =20 = appropriations $21,990,492 15% N/A
Local = =20 = =20 = appropriations $0 0% N/A
Government = =20 = =20 grants = =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 = contracts $0 0% N/A
Private = =20 = =20 gifts, = =20 = =20 grants, = =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 contracts $119,730 0% N/A
Investment = =20 = =20 income $107,705,056 75% N/A
Other = =20 = =20 core = =20 = =20 revenues $14,278,410 10% N/A
Total = =20 = =20 core = =20 = =20 revenues $144,093,688 100% N/A
Total = =20 = =20 revenues $174,985,733   N/A
Other = =20 = =20 core = =20 revenues = =20 = =20 include = =20 federal = =20 = =20 appropriations; = =20 = =20 sales = =20 and = =20 = =20 services = =20 of = =20 = =20 educational = =20 = =20 activities; = =20 other = =20 = =20 operating = =20 = and =20 = =20 nonoperating = =20 = =20 sources; = =20 and = =20 = =20 other = =20 = revenues=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 additions = =20 (e.g., = =20 = =20 capital = =20 =20 appropriations, = =20 capital = =20 = =20 grants = =20 = and =20 = =20 gifts, = =20 = =20 etc.). = =20 Core = =20 = =20 revenues = =20 = exclude =20 = =20 revenues = =20 = from =20 = =20 auxiliary = =20 = =20 enterprises = =20 = (e.g., =20 = =20 bookstores, = =20 = =20 dormitories), = =20 = hospitals, =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 independent = =20 operations. = =20 = =20 For = =20 =20 institutions = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 in = =20 Full = =20 = =20 parent/child = =20 = =20 relationships, = =20 core = =20 = =20 revenues = =20 = per=20 = =20 FTE = =20 = =20 enrollment = =20 amounts = =20 = =20 will = =20 not = =20 = =20 be = =20 = =20 allocated = =20 to = =20 = =20 child = =20 =20 institutions.

Core=20 = =20 Expenses
Expense = =20 = =20 = =20 function Reported = =20 = =20 = =20 values Percent = =20 = =20 = of =20 = =20 total = =20 = =20 = core =20 = =20 = =20 expenses Core = =20 = =20 = expenses=20 = =20 per = =20 = =20 = FTE =20 = =20 = =20 enrollment
Instruction $6,007,890 9% N/A
Research $1,870,020 3% N/A
Public = =20 = =20 service $2,216,747 3% N/A
Academic = =20 = =20 support $2,455,957 4% N/A
Institutional = =20 = =20 = support $50,681,841 73% N/A
Student = =20 = =20 services $3,911,841 6% N/A
Other = =20 = =20 core = =20 = =20 expenses $2,052,461 3% N/A
Total = =20 = =20 core = =20 = =20 expenses $69,196,757 100% N/A
Total = =20 = =20 expenses $100,554,448   N/A
Other = =20 = =20 core = =20 expenses = =20 = =20 include = =20 = =20 scholarships = =20 and = =20 = =20 fellowships, = =20 = net =20 = =20 of = =20 = discounts =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 allowances, = =20 and = =20 = =20 other = =20 = expenses. =20 = =20 Core = =20 = =20 expenses = =20 exclude = =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = from =20 = =20 auxiliary = =20 = =20 enterprises = =20 (e.g., = =20 = =20 bookstores, = =20 = =20 dormitories), = =20 = hospitals, =20 = =20 and = =20 =20 independent = =20 = operations. =20 = =20 For = =20 = =20 institutions = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 in = =20 = Full =20 = =20 parent/child = =20 = =20 relationships, = =20 core = =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = =20 per = =20 FTE = =20 = =20 enrollment = =20 amounts = =20 = =20 will = =20 not = =20 = =20 be = =20 = =20 allocated = =20 to = =20 = =20 child = =20 =20 institutions.

  Calculated =20 = =20 = =20 value
FTE = =20 = =20 enrollment
The = =20 = =20 full-time = =20 = equivalent =20 = =20 (FTE) = =20 = =20 enrollment = =20 used = =20 = =20 in = =20 this = =20 = =20 report = =20 is = =20 = =20 the = =20 = sum =20 = =20 of = =20 the = =20 = =20 institution=E2=80=99s = =20 = =20 FTE = =20 = undergraduate =20 = =20 enrollment = =20 = and =20 = =20 FTE = =20 = =20 graduate = =20 enrollment = =20 = =20 (as = =20 = calculated =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 or = =20 reported = =20 = =20 on = =20 the = =20 = =20 12-month = =20 = =20 Enrollment = =20 component). = =20 = =20 FTE = =20 is = =20 = =20 estimated = =20 = using =20 = =20 12- = =20 = =20 month = =20 instructional = =20 = =20 activity = =20 = =20 (credit = =20 and/or = =20 = =20 contact = =20 hours). = =20 = =20 All = =20 = =20 doctor=E2=80=99s = =20 degree = =20 = =20 students = =20 are = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 as = =20 graduate = =20 = =20 = students.

Institution: = =20 = =20  University = =20 = of=20 = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 (178439) User = =20 = =20 ID: = =20 =20  29C0011
Edit=20 = =20 Report
=20 = =20 =20
=20 = =20 =20 Finance 
University = =20 of = =20 = =20 Missouri-System = =20 = =20 Office = =20 =20 (178439)
Source Description Severity Resolved Options
Screen: =20 = =20 Statement = =20 = =20 of = =20 net = =20 = =20 position = =20 = =20 (1)
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 value = =20 = =20 of = =20 = this =20 = =20 field = =20 = is =20 = =20 not = =20 = =20 expected = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 = negative.=20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 = or=20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 = #5230) Explanation Yes
Reason: The = =20 negative = =20 = =20 balance = =20 = =20 on = =20 line = =20 = =20 14 = =20 is = =20 = =20 due = =20 = to =20 = =20 the = =20 = campuses =20 = =20 currently = =20 = =20 paying = =20 their = =20 = =20 principal = =20 = =20 balances = =20 = faster =20 = =20 than = =20 = the =20 = =20 University = =20 = =20 is = =20 paying = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 external = =20 debt. = =20 = =20 These = =20 = internal =20 = =20 payments = =20 = =20 are = =20 held = =20 = =20 with = =20 = the =20 = =20 University = =20 = =20 bank. = =20 In = =20 = =20 addition, = =20 = =20 the = =20 University = =20 = =20 has = =20 also = =20 = =20 issued = =20 = =20 commercial = =20 = paper =20 = =20 to = =20 = fund =20 = =20 working = =20 = =20 capital.
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 value = =20 = =20 of = =20 = this =20 = =20 field = =20 = is =20 = =20 expected = =20 = =20 to = =20 be = =20 = =20 greater = =20 = than =20 = =20 zero. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 correct = =20 = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 (Error = =20 = =20 #5148) Explanation Yes
Reason: Negative = =20 is = =20 = =20 related = =20 = =20 to = =20 the = =20 = =20 implementation = =20 of = =20 = =20 GASB = =20 = =20 67/68. = =20 This = =20 = =20 negative = =20 = in =20 = =20 unrestricted = =20 = =20 net = =20 assets = =20 = =20 is = =20 = the =20 = =20 result = =20 = of =20 = =20 recognizing = =20 = =20 a = =20 = change =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 accounting = =20 = principle =20 = =20 that = =20 = =20 reduced = =20 the = =20 = =20 net = =20 = asset =20 = =20 balance. = =20 = The=20 = =20 Net = =20 = =20 Pension = =20 =20 Liability = =20 recorded = =20 = =20 at = =20 = the =20 = =20 administrative = =20 = =20 unit = =20 continues = =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 cause = =20 negative = =20 = =20 Unrestricted = =20 = Net =20 = =20 Assets = =20 = =20 and = =20 Net = =20 = =20 Position.
Screen: =20 = =20 Changes = =20 = =20 to = =20 Net = =20 = =20 Position
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 is = =20 outside = =20 = =20 the = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 = =20 of = =20 between = =20 = =20 48,651,868 = =20 = and =20 = =20 145,955,604 = =20 = =20 when = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 = =20 the = =20 prior = =20 = =20 year = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5301) Explanation Yes
Reason: Investment = =20 income = =20 = =20 increased = =20 = =20 significantly = =20 at = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 =E2=80=9Cinternal = =20 = bank=E2=80=9D =20 = =20 which = =20 = is =20 = =20 part = =20 = =20 of = =20 System = =20 = =20 as = =20 = reported. =20 = =20 2017 = =20 = =20 was = =20 up = =20 = =20 $74 = =20 million = =20 = =20 over = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 due = =20 = =20 to = =20 much = =20 = =20 better = =20 = investment =20 = =20 performance.
Screen: =20 = =20 Revenues = =20 = =20 Part = =20 = 3
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 calculated = =20 = =20 amount = =20 = =20 of = =20 total = =20 = =20 all = =20 revenues = =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 other = =20 additions = =20 = =20 in = =20 Part = =20 = =20 B, = =20 line = =20 = =20 25 = =20 = =20 (174,985,733) = =20 is = =20 = =20 outside = =20 = the =20 = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 of = =20 = =20 between = =20 = =20 48,651,868 = =20 and = =20 = =20 145,955,604 = =20 = when =20 = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 the = =20 = =20 prior = =20 = year=20 = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 correct = =20 = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 (Error = =20 = =20 #5165) Explanation Yes
Reason: Investment = =20 income = =20 = =20 increased = =20 = =20 significantly = =20 at = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 =E2=80=9Cinternal = =20 = bank=E2=80=9D =20 = =20 which = =20 = is =20 = =20 part = =20 = =20 of = =20 System = =20 = =20 as = =20 = reported. =20 = =20 2017 = =20 = =20 was = =20 up = =20 = =20 $74 = =20 million = =20 = =20 over = =20 = 2016 =20 = =20 due = =20 = =20 to = =20 much = =20 = =20 better = =20 = investment =20 = =20 performance.
Screen: =20 = =20 Expenses = =20 = =20 Part = =20 = 1
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 total = =20 = =20 amount = =20 = of =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = =20 reported = =20 for = =20 = =20 instruction = =20 = =20 in = =20 Part = =20 = =20 C = =20 (line = =20 = =20 01) = =20 is = =20 = =20 expected = =20 = =20 to = =20 be = =20 = =20 zero = =20 or = =20 = =20 left = =20 = blank.=20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 = or=20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 = #5245) Explanation Yes
Reason: Instruction = =20 = expenses =20 = =20 result = =20 = =20 from = =20 E-Learning, = =20 = =20 Associated = =20 = =20 Students = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 Univ. = =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 Missouri = =20 Internship = =20 = =20 Program, = =20 = =20 Collaborative = =20 = Course =20 = =20 Development = =20 = =20 and = =20 Faculty = =20 = =20 Performance = =20 = =20 Shares. = =20 These = =20 = =20 are = =20 all = =20 = =20 managed = =20 = =20 centrally = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 = System =20 = =20 unit = =20 = =20 (which = =20 includes = =20 = =20 University = =20 = =20 wide = =20 resources = =20 = =20 and = =20 = the =20 = =20 University = =20 = =20 Bank). = =20 In = =20 = =20 addition = =20 = =20 the = =20 expense = =20 = =20 related = =20 to = =20 = =20 the = =20 = Pension =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 OPEB = =20 plans = =20 = =20 are = =20 = carried =20 = =20 at = =20 = =20 University = =20 Wide = =20 = =20 Resources. = =20 = =20 These = =20 costs = =20 = =20 are = =20 spread = =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 the = =20 various = =20 = =20 functional = =20 =20 categories.
Related = =20 = Screens: Expenses
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 is = =20 outside = =20 = =20 the = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 = =20 of = =20 between = =20 = =20 1,894,313 = =20 = and =20 = =20 5,682,939 = =20 = =20 when = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 = the =20 = =20 prior = =20 = =20 year = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5301) Explanation Yes
Reason: Primarily = =20 from = =20 = =20 reduced = =20 = =20 spend = =20 for = =20 = =20 Spinal = =20 Cord = =20 = =20 Awards = =20 = =20 and = =20 Administration. = =20 = =20 The = =20 = =20 criteria = =20 for = =20 = =20 these = =20 = awards =20 = =20 is = =20 = =20 very = =20 specific = =20 = =20 and = =20 we = =20 = =20 are = =20 not = =20 = =20 always = =20 = =20 able = =20 to = =20 = =20 find = =20 research = =20 = =20 that = =20 = =20 fits = =20 the = =20 = =20 award = =20 = criteria.
Perform = =20 = Edits The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 salaries = =20 and = =20 = =20 wages = =20 = expenses =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 for = =20 instruction = =20 = =20 in = =20 = Part=20 = =20 C = =20 = =20 (line = =20 01) = =20 = =20 is = =20 = expected =20 = =20 to = =20 = be =20 = =20 zero = =20 = =20 or = =20 left = =20 = =20 blank. = =20 = Please =20 = =20 confirm = =20 = =20 that = =20 the = =20 = =20 data = =20 = reported =20 = =20 are = =20 = =20 correct. = =20 (Error = =20 = =20 #5246) Confirmation Yes
Related = =20 = Screens: Expenses
Perform = =20 = Edits The = =20 total = =20 = =20 amount = =20 = of =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = =20 reported = =20 for = =20 = =20 public = =20 = =20 service = =20 in = =20 = =20 Part = =20 C = =20 = =20 (line = =20 03) = =20 = =20 is = =20 = =20 expected = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 zero = =20 = =20 or = =20 = left=20 = =20 blank. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 confirm = =20 = =20 that = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 reported = =20 are = =20 = =20 correct. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5249) Confirmation Yes
Related = =20 = Screens: Expenses
Perform = =20 = Edits The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 salaries = =20 and = =20 = =20 wages = =20 = expenses =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 for = =20 public = =20 = =20 service = =20 = in =20 = =20 Part = =20 = C =20 = =20 (line = =20 = =20 03) = =20 is = =20 = =20 expected = =20 = to =20 = =20 be = =20 = =20 zero = =20 or = =20 = =20 left = =20 blank. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 confirm = =20 that = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = are =20 = =20 correct. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 = #5250) Confirmation Yes
Related = =20 = Screens: Expenses
Screen: =20 = =20 Expenses = =20 = =20 Part = =20 = 2
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 is = =20 outside = =20 = =20 the = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 = =20 of = =20 between = =20 = =20 2,536,014 = =20 = and =20 = =20 7,608,040 = =20 = =20 when = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 = the =20 = =20 prior = =20 = =20 year = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5301) Explanation Yes
Reason: Fixed = =20 rate = =20 = =20 bond = =20 = =20 interest = =20 expense = =20 = =20 decreased = =20 = $2.9 =20 = =20 million = =20 = =20 will = =20 the = =20 = =20 internal = =20 = =20 loan = =20 interest = =20 = =20 expense = =20 = spread =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 the = =20 campuses = =20 = =20 increased = =20 = =20 $920,000.
Screen: =20 = =20 Pension
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 is = =20 outside = =20 = =20 the = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 = =20 of = =20 between = =20 = =20 128,350,326 = =20 = and =20 = =20 266,573,752 = =20 = =20 when = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 = =20 the = =20 prior = =20 = =20 year = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5301) Explanation Yes
Reason: Very = =20 Strong = =20 = =20 Investment = =20 = =20 Performance, = =20 the = =20 = =20 Pension = =20 = Trust=20 = =20 had = =20 = =20 net = =20 investment = =20 = =20 income = =20 = =20 of = =20 $367,505,000 = =20 = =20 in = =20 FY = =20 = =20 2017 = =20 = =20 compared = =20 to = =20 = =20 $9,978,000 = =20 = in =20 = =20 FY = =20 = =20 2016.
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 is = =20 outside = =20 = =20 the = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 = =20 of = =20 between = =20 = =20 20,834,202 = =20 = and =20 = =20 43,271,034 = =20 = =20 when = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 = =20 the = =20 prior = =20 = =20 year = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5301) Explanation Yes
Reason: With = =20 the = =20 = =20 new = =20 = Pension=20 = =20 Standard = =20 = =20 there = =20 numbers = =20 = =20 are = =20 = =20 going = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 very = =20 = =20 volatile = =20 year = =20 = =20 over = =20 = =20 year. = =20 This = =20 = =20 was = =20 = primarily =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 a = =20 difference = =20 = =20 between = =20 = expected=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 actual = =20 experience = =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 liability = =20 = =20 as = =20 = determined =20 = =20 by = =20 = =20 our = =20 actuaries.
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 is = =20 outside = =20 = =20 the = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 = =20 of = =20 between = =20 = =20 127,613,298 = =20 = and =20 = =20 265,043,002 = =20 = =20 when = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 = =20 the = =20 prior = =20 = =20 year = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5301) Explanation Yes
Reason: With = =20 the = =20 = =20 new = =20 = Pension=20 = =20 Standard = =20 = =20 there = =20 numbers = =20 = =20 are = =20 = =20 going = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 very = =20 = =20 volatile = =20 year = =20 = =20 over = =20 = =20 year. = =20 This = =20 = =20 was = =20 = primarily =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 investments = =20 significantly = =20 = =20 outperforming = =20 = =20 the = =20 = expected =20 = =20 return = =20 = =20 for = =20 FY = =20 = =20 2017.
Screen = =20 Entry The = =20 amount = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 is = =20 outside = =20 = =20 the = =20 expected = =20 = =20 range = =20 = =20 of = =20 between = =20 = =20 86,099,586 = =20 = and =20 = =20 178,822,216 = =20 = =20 when = =20 compared = =20 = =20 with = =20 = =20 the = =20 prior = =20 = =20 year = =20 value. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 = =20 correct = =20 your = =20 = =20 data = =20 or = =20 = =20 explain. = =20 = =20 (Error = =20 #5301) Explanation Yes
Reason: GASB = =20 67/68 = =20 = =20 requires = =20 = =20 that = =20 our = =20 = =20 actuaries = =20 = prepare =20 = =20 an = =20 = =20 analysis = =20 of = =20 = =20 our = =20 = pension =20 = =20 plans. = =20 = =20 We = =20 use = =20 = =20 this = =20 = analysis =20 = =20 to = =20 = calculate,=20 = =20 pension = =20 = =20 expense, = =20 = a =20 = =20 reduction = =20 = =20 to = =20 benefit = =20 = =20 expense, = =20 net = =20 = =20 pension = =20 = =20 liability, = =20 = deferred =20 = =20 inflow = =20 = =20 of = =20 resources = =20 = =20 and = =20 = deferred =20 = =20 outflow = =20 = =20 of = =20 = resources. =20 = =20 In = =20 = FY =20 = =20 2017 = =20 = =20 the = =20 pension = =20 = =20 expense = =20 = was =20 = =20 $117,940,139 = =20 = =20 with = =20 a = =20 = =20 reductions = =20 = to=20 = =20 benefit = =20 = =20 expense = =20 of = =20 = =20 $96,630,701. = =20 = =20 We = =20 had = =20 = =20 previously = =20 = been =20 = =20 told = =20 = =20 to = =20 just = =20 = =20 report = =20 the = =20 = =20 pension = =20 = =20 expense = =20 and = =20 = =20 that = =20 = generated =20 = =20 an = =20 = error =20 = =20 that = =20 = =20 pension = =20 = expense =20 = =20 must = =20 = be=20 = =20 less = =20 = =20 then = =20 benefit = =20 = =20 expense = =20 = =20 on = =20 schedule = =20 = =20 C. = =20 For = =20 = =20 that = =20 = to =20 = =20 work = =20 = we=20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 the = =20 = net =20 = =20 total = =20 = of =20 = =20 $21,309,438. = =20 = =20 For = =20 FY = =20 = =20 2015 = =20 = when=20 = =20 we = =20 = =20 contacted = =20 IPEDs = =20 = =20 about = =20 = =20 whether = =20 we = =20 = =20 should = =20 report = =20 = =20 our = =20 = =20 pension = =20 expense = =20 = =20 number = =20 = or =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 net = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 pension = =20 = =20 expense = =20 = increase =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 benefits = =20 and = =20 = =20 the = =20 =20 reduction = =20 to = =20 = =20 benefit = =20 = expense =20 = =20 we = =20 = =20 were = =20 told = =20 = =20 to = =20 just = =20 = =20 report = =20 = =20 the = =20 Pension = =20 = =20 expense = =20 = number. =20 = =20 In = =20 = =20 2016 = =20 that = =20 = =20 number = =20 was = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = on =20 = =20 line = =20 = =20 1 = =20 and = =20 = =20 was = =20 = $132,640,901. =20 = =20 The = =20 = =20 comparable = =20 net = =20 = =20 number = =20 = in =20 = =20 FY = =20 = =20 2016 = =20 would = =20 = =20 have = =20 = been =20 = =20 = $33,186,507.
  = =20
  = =20 =20 =
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font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; background-color: = rgb(197, 231, 231) !important; } .sc-g { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 22px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(181, 219, 219) = !important; } .sc-hc { border: currentColor; border-image: none; color: white; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(172, 186, 170) = !important; } .sc-calc { padding-right: 4px; background-color: rgb(228, 220, 199) !important; } .sc-dbcalc { padding-right: 4px; background-color: rgb(228, 220, 199) !important; } .sc-calc-f { color: red; padding-right: 4px; background-color: rgb(193, 210, 228) = !important; } .sc-dbcalc-f-py { color: red; padding-right: 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(204, 208, 220) !important; } .sc-row { height: 20px; background-color: rgb(236, 243, 246) !important; } .sc-tb-r { text-align: right; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } .sc-tb-l { text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } .sc-tb-sub-header_bullet { text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; } .sc-tb-c { text-align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } .sc-row-alt { height: 20px; border-bottom-color: silver; border-bottom-width: 1px; = border-bottom-style: solid; background-color: rgb(185, 205, 213) = !important; } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-r { text-align: right; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-l { text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-c { text-align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .error-message-screen { text-align: left; color: red; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; = margin-left: 5px; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D7F0.9A80EDE0 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/F_Finance_Survey/FY2017/umsystem_files/CellInfo.css table.pagetable-big { border: 1px solid rgb(91, 114, 88); 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= border-right-width: medium !important; border-bottom-width: medium = !important; border-right-style: none !important; border-bottom-style: = none !important; background-color: rgb(185, 205, 213) !important; } .sc-y { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 24px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(251, 201, 138) = !important; } .sc-z { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 14px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(155, 210, = 210) !important; } .sc-s { padding: 5px; color: black; line-height: 14px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 2px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(197, 231, = 231) !important; } .sc-si { padding: 5px; color: black; line-height: 14px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 2px; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; background-color: = rgb(197, 231, 231) !important; } .sc-g { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 22px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; 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font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(112, 128, 144); } a.white:link { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; = font-weight: 600; text-decoration: underline; background-color: blue; } a.white:hover { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 600; = text-decoration: underline; background-color: blue; } a.white:visited { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 600; = text-decoration: underline; background-color: blue; } .admin_navigation { color: white; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(219, 112, 147); } .question { font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 600; } table.border { border: 1px solid black; } .yellowbg { background-color: rgb(238, 232, 170); } { border-width: 1pt; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: = rgb(25, 25, 112) lightsteelblue lightsteelblue rgb(25, 25, 112); } td.boxheading { border-width: 1pt 1pt medium medium; 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border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-pager td { border: 1px solid rgb(210, 223, 229); border-image: none; text-align: = center; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(210, 223, 229); } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } table.grid-view-like { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-collapse: collapse; } { color: black; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none; } { color: white; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; = background-color: rgb(91, 112, 119); } .DynamicHoverStyleHidden { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; } .DynamicHoverStyleVisible { visibility: visible; position: absolute; } .SharedMenuStyle { padding: 0px; height: 24px; color: black; font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; cursor: pointer; } .StaticMenuStyle { margin: auto; height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); 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font-family: Arial; = font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; } .Index_content_textbluebg { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(183, 203, = 221); } .Index_content_ol_class { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); = font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; } .Index_content_ol_class li { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } .Index_content_textlarge { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; } .Index_content_textsmall { text-align: left; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal; } .Index_content_tableline { border: 1px solid rgb(183, 203, 221); border-image: none; = border-collapse: collapse; } .Index_content_tableline td { border: 1px solid rgb(183, 203, 221); border-image: none; = border-collapse: collapse; } .Index_content_head { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); 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font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; } p.import_layout { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } hr.line { border-top-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); border-bottom-color: white; = border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } tr.gv-header th { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-row td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; } tr.gv-row-alt td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(243, 245, = 247); } tr.gv-row-selected td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(228, 219, 215); } tr.gv-row-edit td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(250, 249, = 238); } tr.gv-footer td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-pager td { border: 1px solid rgb(210, 223, 229); border-image: none; text-align: = center; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(210, 223, 229); } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } table.grid-view-like { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-collapse: collapse; } { color: black; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none; } { color: white; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; = background-color: rgb(91, 112, 119); } .DynamicHoverStyleHidden { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; } .DynamicHoverStyleVisible { visibility: visible; position: absolute; } .SharedMenuStyle { padding: 0px; height: 24px; color: black; font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; cursor: pointer; } .StaticMenuStyle { margin: auto; height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); = font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticMenuItemStyle { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticSelectedStyle { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyle { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); 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font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, 233, 244); } .StaticSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyleAdmin { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuStyleAdmin { border-width: 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(195, = 213, 220); border-image: none; text-align: left; color: rgb(255, 255, = 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuItemStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); 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