From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8" Subject: Survey Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 09:25:50 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0005_01CE26DF.3E9/media/fa/planning/students/3D000" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7600.16807 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01CE26DF.3E9/media/fa/planning/students/3D000 Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file://P:\IRP\Compliance_Reports\IPEDS\EF_Fall_Enrollment_Survey\Fall 2012\ef_umc12.htm =EF=BB=BF Survey


University of=20 Missouri-Columbia (178396) Source Description Severity Resolved Options Upload File The number entered (75) does = not lie=20 within the expected range of between 25 and 57 based = on=20 enrollment data reported last year. Please correct = your data=20 or provide an explanation. (Error #6304) Explanation Yes  Reason: Increase is due to an increase = number of=20 Nonresident alien freshman enrolled in Engineering and = Business programs.
Fall Enrollment = 2012-13=20
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Fall Enrollment=20 Overview
  The Fall Enrollment component = collects=20 student enrollment counts by level of student, = enrollment=20 status, gender and race/ethnicity. In addition, = first-time=20 student retention rates and the student-to-faculty = ratio are=20 collected. Every other year data on residence of = first-time=20 undergraduates is required and in opposite years, = enrollment=20 by student age is required to be reported.  
Institutions operating on a = traditional=20 academic year calendar (semester, trimester, quarter, = or=20 4-1-4) report Fall enrollment as of the institution's = official=20 fall reporting date or October 15. Institutions = operating on a=20 calendar that differs by program or that enrolls = students on a=20 continuous basis (referred to as program reporters) = report=20 Fall enrollment as students enrolled any time during = the=20 period August 1 and October 31.

Data = Reporting=20 Reminders:=20
  • Institutions=20 must continue to report using the new race/ethnicity=20 categories.
  • Institutions=20 must continue to use the new postbaccalaureate degree=20 categories (eliminating the first-professional = category and=20 reclassifying those programs). All postbaccalaureate = students=20 are to be reported as graduate students for enrollment = purposes, including any doctor's-professional practice = students (formerly = first-professional).
  • Part = B,=20 Enrollment of students by age, is optional this = year.
  • Part = C,=20 Residence of first-time degree/certificate-seeking=20 undergraduates, is required this = year.
    To download = the=20 survey materials for this component: Survey Materials
      To access your prior year data = submission=20 for this component: Reported Data  

    If you have = questions about=20 completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS = Help Desk=20 at = 1-877-225-2568.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B Selection
    Completion of = Part B=20 (Enrollment of Students by Age) is optional this=20 year.

    Do you wish to complete Part B this year? =
    If=20 you select 'Yes', you will see Part B and be expected = to=20 complete the screens.
    If you select 'No', you will = skip=20 Part B.
          Yes, I will complete Part=20 = B            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;         
         No, I will not complete Part=20 = B            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Fall=20 Enrollment - CIPCODE Selection
    Indicate which of = the=20 following fields of study are offered by your = institution.=20 Students are to be reported by their major field of = study for=20 the categories listed below. Fields for which = enrollment was=20 reported for Fall 2010 have already been checked; = please make=20 sure all listed fields that are offered by your = institution=20 are checked.
        Undergraduate and = graduate=20 fields
               13.0000 -- Education
             14.0000 -- Engineering
             26.0000 -- Biological and Biomedical = Sciences
             27.0000 -- Mathematics
             40.0000 -- Physical = Sciences
             52.0000 -- Business, Management, = Marketing,=20 and Related Support Services
        Graduate-only = fields
             22.0101 -- Law (LL.B., = J.D.)
             51.0401 -- Dentistry (D.D.S., = D.M.D.)
             51.1201 -- Medicine (M.D.)
         None of the = above
    You may use the = space below=20 to provide context for the data you've reported = above.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment for Full-Time Undergraduate = Students
    =  24,413
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    Full-time Undergraduate=20 Students
    Race/Ethnicity = Reporting=20 Reminder:=20
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total = degree/certificate-seeking
    Nonresident = alien        272    338
    Hispanic/Latino        343    343
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        33    33
    Asian        281    281
    Black or African = American        828    828
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        4    4
    White        9,885    9,888
    Two or more races        231    231
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        151    151
    Total men  2,987  611  8,430  12,028  69  12,097
    Total men prior year  2,803  611  8,203  11,617  57  11,674
    Nonresident = alien        263    323
    Hispanic/Latino        431    431
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        39    39
    Asian        284    285
    Black or African = American        1,238    1,238
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        9    9
    White        10,313    10,314
    Two or more races        291    291
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        150    151
    Total women  3,391  509  9,118  13,018  63  13,081
    Total women prior year  3,248  556  8,877  12,681  58  12,739
    Grand total (men+women)  6,378  1,120  17,548  25,046  132  25,178
    Grand total (men+women) prior = year  6,051  1,167  17,080  24,298  115
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  1,355
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 13.0000 --=20 Education
    Full-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        0    0
    Hispanic/Latino        6    6
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        1    1
    Asian        5    5
    Black or African = American        6    6
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        293    293
    Two or more races        8    8
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        5    5
    Total men  77  22  225  324  0  324
    Nonresident = alien        0    0
    Hispanic/Latino        25    25
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        3    3
    Asian        5    5
    Black or African = American        31    31
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        941    941
    Two or more races        14    14
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        10    10
    Total women  219  40  770  1,029  0  1,029
    Grand total (men+women)  296  62  995  1,353  0  1,353
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  317  65  973  1,355   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  2,135
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 14.0000 --=20 Engineering
    Full-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        96    96
    Hispanic/Latino        54    54
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        4    4
    Asian        38    38
    Black or African = American        131    131
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        1,718    1,718
    Two or more races        41    41
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        29    29
    Total men  648  104  1,359  2,111  0  2,111
    Nonresident = alien        36    36
    Hispanic/Latino        14    14
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        10    10
    Black or African = American        46    46
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        307    307
    Two or more races        8    8
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        11    11
    Total women  139  23  270  432  0  432
    Grand total (men+women)  787  127  1,629  2,543  0  2,543
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  595  105  1,435  2,135   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  1,726
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 26.0000 --=20 Biological and Biomedical Sciences
    Full-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        7    7
    Hispanic/Latino        25    25
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        2    2
    Asian        61    61
    Black or African = American        68    68
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        1    1
    White        651    651
    Two or more races        31    31
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        11    11
    Total men  232  34  591  857  0  857
    Nonresident = alien        14    14
    Hispanic/Latino        34    34
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        1    1
    Asian        56    56
    Black or African = American        148    148
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        712    712
    Two or more races        35    35
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        12    12
    Total women  337  29  646  1,012  0  1,012
    Grand total (men+women)  569  63  1,237  1,869  0  1,869
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  511  89  1,126  1,726   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  83
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 27.0000 --=20 Mathematics and Statistics
    Full-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        7    7
    Hispanic/Latino        3    3
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        2    2
    Black or African = American        0    0
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        55    55
    Two or more races        3    3
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        1    1
    Total men  17  4  50  71  0  71
    Nonresident = alien        4    4
    Hispanic/Latino        2    2
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        0    0
    Black or African = American        2    2
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        28    28
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        2    2
    Total women  4  0  34  38  0  38
    Grand total (men+women)  21  4  84  109  0  109
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  19  6  58  83   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  370
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 40.0000 --=20 Physical Sciences
    Full-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        4    4
    Hispanic/Latino        8    8
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        2    2
    Asian        9    9
    Black or African = American        5    5
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        251    251
    Two or more races        7    7
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        1    1
    Total men  67  21  199  287  0  287
    Nonresident = alien        4    4
    Hispanic/Latino        4    4
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        1    1
    Black or African = American        21    21
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        121    121
    Two or more races        5    5
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        4    4
    Total women  52  7  101  160  0  160
    Grand total (men+women)  119  28  300  447  0  447
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  98  22  250  370   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  3,982
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 52.0000 --=20 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support=20 Services
    Full-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        55    55
    Hispanic/Latino        73    73
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        4    4
    Asian        58    58
    Black or African = American        163    163
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        2,270    2,270
    Two or more races        36    36
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        30    30
    Total men  751  75  1,863  2,689  0  2,689
    Nonresident = alien        37    37
    Hispanic/Latino        35    35
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        7    7
    Asian        34    34
    Black or African = American        130    130
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        2    2
    White        1,164    1,164
    Two or more races        27    27
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        12    12
    Total women  382  30  1,036  1,448  0  1,448
    Grand total (men+women)  1,133  105  2,899  4,137  0  4,137
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  968  120  2,894  3,982   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment for Part-time Undergraduate = Students
    =  1,579
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    Part-time Undergraduate=20 Students
    Race/Ethnicity = Reporting=20 Reminder:=20
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total = degree/certificate-seeking
    Nonresident = alien        67    73
    Hispanic/Latino        18    21
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        3    5
    Asian        20    32
    Black or African = American        43    50
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        602    692
    Two or more races        17    20
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        14    19
    Total men =20  75  75  634  784  128  912
    Total men prior year  41  72  595  708  106  814
    Nonresident = alien        60    64
    Hispanic/Latino        25    28
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        7    7
    Asian        18    23
    Black or African = American        43    54
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        578    658
    Two or more races        12    12
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        16    24
    Total women  48  115  596  759  111  870
    Total women prior year  46  113  521  680  85  765
    Grand total = (men+women)  123  190  1,230  1,543  239  1,782
    Grand total (men+women) prior = year  87  185  1,116  1,388  191
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  33
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 13.0000 --=20 Education
    Part-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        0    0
    Hispanic/Latino        0    0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        0    0
    Black or African = American        0    0
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        7    7
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        0    0
    Total men  0  0  7  7  0  7
    Nonresident = alien        0    0
    Hispanic/Latino        0    0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        0    0
    Black or African = American        1    1
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        13    13
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        0    0
    Total women  1  0  13  14  0  14
    Grand total = (men+women)  1  0  20  21  0  21
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  2  6  25  33   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  78
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 14.0000 --=20 Engineering
    Part-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        17    17
    Hispanic/Latino        0    0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        4    4
    Black or African = American        5    5
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        51    51
    Two or more races        2    2
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        1    1
    Total men  21  6  53  80  0  80
    Nonresident = alien        5    5
    Hispanic/Latino        2    2
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        1    1
    Asian        2    2
    Black or African = American        0    0
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        11    11
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        0    0
    Total women  2  3  16  21  0  21
    Grand total = (men+women)  23  9  69  101  0  101
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  13  14  51  78   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  70
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 26.0000 --=20 Biological and Biomedical Sciences
    Part-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        2    2
    Hispanic/Latino        4    4
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        1    1
    Asian        3    3
    Black or African = American        3    3
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        37    37
    Two or more races        2    2
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        2    2
    Total men  2  6  46  54  0  54
    Nonresident = alien        0    0
    Hispanic/Latino        2    2
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        3    3
    Black or African = American        3    3
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        19    19
    Two or more races        1    1
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        1    1
    Total women  1  5  23  29  0  29
    Grand total = (men+women)  3  11  69  83  0  83
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  5  5  60  70   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  7
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 27.0000 --=20 Mathematics and Statistics
    Part-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        2    2
    Hispanic/Latino        0    0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        0    0
    Black or African = American        1    1
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        6    6
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        0    0
    Total men  2  1  6  9  0  9
    Nonresident = alien        3    3
    Hispanic/Latino        0    0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        0    0
    Black or African = American        0    0
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        0    0
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown        0    0
    Total women  2  0  1  3  0  3
    Grand total = (men+women)  4  1  7  12  0  12
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  1  2  4  7   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  40
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 40.0000 --=20 Physical Sciences
    Part-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        1    1
    Hispanic/Latino        0    0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        1    1
    Asian        0    0
    Black or African = American        1    1
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        30    30
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        0    0
    Total men  2  3  28  33  0  33
    Nonresident = alien        1    1
    Hispanic/Latino        0    0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        1    1
    Black or African = American        0    0
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        10    10
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        0    0
    Total women  0  3  9  12  0  12
    Grand total = (men+women)  2  6  37  45  0  45
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  2  3  35  40   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    =  108
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 52.0000 --=20 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support=20 Services
    Part-time undergraduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seekingNon-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total
    Nonresident = alien        9    9
    Hispanic/Latino        1    1
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        3    3
    Black or African = American        6    6
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        106    106
    Two or more races        1    1
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        2    2
    Total men  20  4  104  128  0  128
    Nonresident = alien        14    14
    Hispanic/Latino        1    1
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native        0    0
    Asian        1    1
    Black or African = American        2    2
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander        0    0
    White        36    36
    Two or more races        0    0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown        2    2
    Total women  11  2  43  56  0  56
    Grand total = (men+women)  31  6  147  184  0  184
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  9  3  96  108   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment for Graduate Students
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    Graduate=20 Students
    Race/Ethnicity = Reporting=20 Reminder:=20
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only

  • Graduate=20 Student Reporting Reminder:=20
  • Report all=20 postbaccalaureate degree and certificate students as = graduate=20 students, including any doctor's-professional practice = students (formerly = first-professional)
  • Enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident = alien      742
    Hispanic/Latino      60
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      13
    Asian      76
    Black or African = American      103
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      2,121
    Two or more races      39
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      133
    Total men  2,382  905  3,287
    Total men prior year  2,331  973  3,304
    Nonresident = alien      595
    Hispanic/Latino      102
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      21
    Asian      83
    Black or African = American      189
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      3,239
    Two or more races      67
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      161
    Total women  2,744  1,713  4,457
    Total women prior year  2,688  1,778  4,466
    Grand total = (men+women)  5,126  2,618  7,744
    Grand total (men+women) prior = year  5,019  2,751
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 13.0000 --=20 Education
    Graduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident = alien      34
    Hispanic/Latino      15
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      7
    Black or African = American      30
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      341
    Two or more races      6
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      22
    Total men  211  244  455
    Nonresident = alien      82
    Hispanic/Latino      14
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      10
    Black or African = American      55
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      886
    Two or more races      11
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      26
    Total women  478  606  1,084
    Grand total = (men+women)  689  850  1,539
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  739  942
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 14.0000 --=20 Engineering
    Graduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident = alien      230
    Hispanic/Latino      5
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      10
    Black or African = American      5
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      136
    Two or more races      5
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      12
    Total men  246  157  403
    Nonresident = alien      92
    Hispanic/Latino      1
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      2
    Black or African = American      2
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      17
    Two or more races      0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      2
    Total women  79  37  116
    Grand total = (men+women)  325  194  519
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  287  198
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 26.0000 --=20 Biological and Biomedical Sciences
    Graduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident = alien      26
    Hispanic/Latino      3
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      1
    Asian      2
    Black or African = American      3
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      80
    Two or more races      0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      4
    Total men  115  4  119
    Nonresident = alien      30
    Hispanic/Latino      2
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      1
    Asian      2
    Black or African = American      6
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      49
    Two or more races      5
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      6
    Total women  94  7  101
    Grand total = (men+women)  209  11  220
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  217  22
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 27.0000 --=20 Mathematics and Statistics
    Graduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident = alien      62
    Hispanic/Latino      1
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      0
    Black or African = American      2
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      51
    Two or more races      1
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown      6
    Total men  108  15  123
    Nonresident = alien      32
    Hispanic/Latino      0
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      2
    Black or African = American      0
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      6
    Two or more races      0
    Race/ethnicity=20 unknown      2
    Total women  37  5  42
    Grand total = (men+women)  145  20  165
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  107  13
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 40.0000 --=20 Physical Sciences
    Graduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident = alien      56
    Hispanic/Latino      1
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      3
    Black or African = American      3
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      87
    Two or more races      1
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      4
    Total men  124  31  155
    Nonresident = alien      38
    Hispanic/Latino      3
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      2
    Black or African = American      2
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      35
    Two or more races      4
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      0
    Total women  73  11  84
    Grand total = (men+women)  197  42  239
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  169  41
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 52.0000 --=20 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support=20 Services
    Graduate=20 students
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident = alien      39
    Hispanic/Latino      3
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      3
    Black or African = American      4
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      176
    Two or more races      2
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      1
    Total men  210  18  228
    Nonresident = alien      42
    Hispanic/Latino      1
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      2
    Black or African = American      4
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      85
    Two or more races      1
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      8
    Total women  126  17  143
    Grand total = (men+women)  336  35  371
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  311  20
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 22.0101 -- Law=20 (LL.B., J.D.)
    Fall 2011
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total
    Nonresident = alien      0
    Hispanic/Latino      4
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      4
    Asian      5
    Black or African = American      20
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      201
    Two or more races      5
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      14
    Total men  243  10  253
    Nonresident = alien      2
    Hispanic/Latino      6
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      0
    Asian      4
    Black or African = American      22
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      118
    Two or more races      5
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      6
    Total women  151  12  163
    Grand total = (men+women)  394  22  416
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  428  15
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    CIPCODE: = 51.1201 --=20 Medicine (M.D.)
    Fall 2011
  • Report = Hispanic/Latino=20 individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals = only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total
    Nonresident = alien      0
    Hispanic/Latino      4
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      2
    Asian      20
    Black or African = American      2
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      160
    Two or more races      0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      20
    Total men  208  0  208
    Nonresident = alien      0
    Hispanic/Latino      5
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native      6
    Asian      17
    Black or African = American      1
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander      0
    White      141
    Two or more races      1
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown      23
    Total women  194  0  194
    Grand total = (men+women)  402  0  402
    Grand total (men+women) 2010-11  388   
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by Distance Education Status
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
      Undergraduate=20 Students Graduate=20 Students
      Degree/Certificate=20 Seeking Non-Degree/Certificate = Seeking
    Enrolled exclusively in distance=20 education courses      
    Enrolled in some but not all = distance=20 education courses      
    Not enrolled in any distance = education=20 courses      
    Total (all distance = education=20 statuses)  26,589  371  7,744
    Total (from prior part A=20 screens)
    NOTE: The total of all distance = education=20 statuses (above) must equal this total carried forward = from=20 the prior part A screens
     26,589  371  7,744
    You may use the = space below=20 to provide context for the data you've reported = above.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment by Distance Education Status
      Undergraduate=20 Students Graduate=20 Students
    Of those students=20 exclusively enrolled in distance education = courses,=20 report the number that are: Degree/Certificate=20 Seeking Non-Degree/Certificate = Seeking
    Located in  MO      
    Located in the U.S. but not in  MO      
    Located in the U.S. but=20 state/jurisdiction unknown      
    Located outside the = U.S.      
    Location=20 unknown/unreported  0  0  0
    Total students = exclusively=20 enrolled in distance education (from section = above)  442  84
    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia = (178396)=20
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment Summary
    Fall = Enrollment=20 Summary
    Students enrolled for = credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all = students
    Nonresident = alien  877  276  1,153
    Hispanic/Latino  386  38  424
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  44  7  51
    Asian  336  53  389
    Black or African = American  901  80  981
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  4  0  4
    White  11,428  1,273  12,701
    Two or more races  262  28  290
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  241  62  303
    Total = men  14,479  1,817  16,296
    Nonresident = alien  790  192  982
    Hispanic/Latino  505  56  561
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  52  15  67
    Asian  348  43  391
    Black or African = American  1,357  124  1,481
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  9  0  9
    White  12,181  2,030  14,211
    Two or more races  329  41  370
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  254  82  336
    Total = women  15,825  2,583  18,408
    Grand Total=20 (men+women)  30,304  4,400  34,704

    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
    Fall = enrollment=20 totals
    CIPCODE: = 13.0000 --=20 Education
    Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all = students
    Nonresident = alien  23  11  34
    Hispanic/Latino  12  9  21
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  1  0  1
    Asian  6  6  12
    Black or African = American  21  15  36
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  444  197  641
    Two or more races  10  4  14
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  18  9  27
    Total men  535  251  786
    Nonresident = alien  63  19  82
    Hispanic/Latino  36  3  39
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  3  0  3
    Asian  11  4  15
    Black or African = American  62  25  87
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  1,291  549  1,840
    Two or more races  19  6  25
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  22  14  36
    Total women  1,507  620  2,127
    Grand Total = (men+women)  2,042  871  2,913
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
    Fall = enrollment=20 totals
    CIPCODE: = 14.0000 --=20 Engineering
    Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all = students
    Nonresident = alien  243  100  343
    Hispanic/Latino  57  2  59
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  4  0  4
    Asian  42  10  52
    Black or African = American  136  5  141
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  1,798  107  1,905
    Two or more races  45  3  48
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  32  10  42
    Total men  2,357  237  2,594
    Nonresident = alien  98  35  133
    Hispanic/Latino  15  2  17
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  0  1  1
    Asian  11  3  14
    Black or African = American  48  0  48
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  319  16  335
    Two or more races  8  0  8
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  12  1  13
    Total women  511  58  569
    Grand Total = (men+women)  2,868  295  3,163
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
    Fall = enrollment=20 totals
    CIPCODE: = 26.0000 --=20 Biological and Biomedical Sciences
    Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all = students
    Nonresident = alien  31  4  35
    Hispanic/Latino  28  4  32
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  3  1  4
    Asian  63  3  66
    Black or African = American  71  3  74
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  1  0  1
    White  729  39  768
    Two or more races  31  2  33
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  15  2  17
    Total men  972  58  1,030
    Nonresident = alien  43  1  44
    Hispanic/Latino  36  2  38
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  2  0  2
    Asian  58  3  61
    Black or African = American  154  3  157
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  757  23  780
    Two or more races  38  3  41
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  18  1  19
    Total women  1,106  36  1,142
    Grand Total = (men+women)  2,078  94  2,172
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
    Fall = enrollment=20 totals
    CIPCODE: = 27.0000 --=20 Mathematics and Statistics
    Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all = students
    Nonresident = alien  65  6  71
    Hispanic/Latino  3  1  4
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0
    Asian  2  0  2
    Black or African = American  2  1  3
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  98  14  112
    Two or more races  4  0  4
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  5  2  7
    Total men  179  24  203
    Nonresident = alien  33  6  39
    Hispanic/Latino  2  0  2
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0
    Asian  1  1  2
    Black or African = American  2  0  2
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  33  1  34
    Two or more races  0  0  0
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  4  0  4
    Total women  75  8  83
    Grand Total = (men+women)  254  32  286
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
    Fall = enrollment=20 totals
    CIPCODE: = 40.0000 --=20 Physical Sciences
    Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all = students
    Nonresident = alien  43  18  61
    Hispanic/Latino  9  0  9
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  2  1  3
    Asian  11  1  12
    Black or African = American  8  1  9
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  326  42  368
    Two or more races  8  0  8
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  4  1  5
    Total men  411  64  475
    Nonresident = alien  38  5  43
    Hispanic/Latino  7  0  7
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0
    Asian  2  2  4
    Black or African = American  22  1  23
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  152  14  166
    Two or more races  8  1  9
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  4  0  4
    Total women  233  23  256
    Grand Total = (men+women)  644  87  731
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
    Fall = enrollment=20 totals
    CIPCODE: = 52.0000 --=20 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support=20 Services
    Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all = students
    Nonresident = alien  89  14  103
    Hispanic/Latino  76  1  77
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  4  0  4
    Asian  61  3  64
    Black or African = American  167  6  173
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  2,434  118  2,552
    Two or more races  38  1  39
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  30  3  33
    Total men  2,899  146  3,045
    Nonresident = alien  77  16  93
    Hispanic/Latino  36  1  37
    American Indian = or Alaska=20 Native  7  0  7
    Asian  36  1  37
    Black or African = American  134  2  136
    Native Hawaiian = or Other=20 Pacific Islander  2  0  2
    White  1,235  50  1,285
    Two or more races  28  0  28
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown  19  3  22
    Total women  1,574  73  1,647
    Grand Total = (men+women)  4,473  219  4,692
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Full-time = Undergraduate=20 Students
    NOTE: These data = are=20 optional this year.
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    Age Full-time Undergraduate=20 Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  0
    Total full-time undergraduate = students (from=20 part A)  12,097
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Part-time = Undergraduate=20 Students
    NOTE: These data = are=20 optional this year.
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    Age Part-time Undergraduate=20 Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  0
    Total part-time undergraduate = students (from=20 part A)  912  870
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Full-time Graduate = Students
    NOTE: These data = are=20 optional this year.
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    Age Full-time Graduate=20 Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  0
    Total full-time graduate students = (from part=20 A)  2,382
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Part-time Graduate = Students
    NOTE: These data = are=20 optional this year.
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    Age Part-time Graduate=20 Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  0
    Total part-time graduate students = (from part=20 A)  905
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 C - Screening Question
    Did any of your = first-time=20 degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students = (reported in=20 Part A) enroll within 12 months of graduating high = school or=20 receiving their GED?
          Yes, we have first-time students who = enrolled within 12 months of their high school=20 graduation.
         No, we do not have any first-time = students=20 who enrolled within 12 months of their high school=20 graduation.
    You may use the = space below=20 to provide context for the data you've reported = above.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 C - Residence of First-time Undergraduates
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    State of residence = when=20 student
    was first admitted
    FIPS Code =20 Total first-time
    degree/certificat= e-seeking
    Of students in column 1, = those
    who=20 enrolled within 12 months
    of high school=20 graduation
    or receiving their GED
    Alabama 01    
    Alaska 02    
    Arizona 04    
    Arkansas 05    
    California 06    
    Colorado 08    
    Connecticut 09    
    Delaware 10    
    District of Columbia 11    
    Florida 12    
    Georgia 13    
    Hawaii 15    
    Idaho 16    
    Illinois 17    
    Indiana 18    
    Iowa 19    
    Kansas 20    
    Kentucky 21    
    Louisiana 22    
    Maine 23    
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 C - Residence of First-time Undergraduates
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    State of residence = when=20 student
    was first admitted
    FIPS Code Total first-time
    degree/certificat= e-seeking
    Of students in column 1, = those
    who=20 enrolled within 12 months
    of high school=20 graduation
    or receiving their GED
    Maryland 24    
    Massachusetts 25    
    Michigan 26    
    Minnesota 27    
    Mississippi 28    
    Missouri 29    
    Montana 30    
    Nebraska 31    
    Nevada 32    
    New Hampshire 33    
    New Jersey 34    
    New Mexico 35    
    New York 36    
    North Carolina 37    
    North Dakota 38    
    Ohio 39    
    Oklahoma 40    
    Oregon 41    
    Pennsylvania 42    
    Rhode Island 44    
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 C - Residence of First-time Undergraduates
    Enrollment as of = the=20 institution's official=20 fall reporting date or as of October 15, = 2012
    State of residence = when=20 student
    was first admitted
    FIPS Code Total first-time
    degree/certificat= e-seeking
    Of students in column 1, = those
    who=20 enrolled within 12 months of high school=20 graduation
    or receiving their GED
    South Carolina 45    
    South Dakota 46    
    Tennessee 47    
    Texas 48    
    Utah 49    
    Vermont 50    
    Virginia 51    
    Washington 53    
    West Virginia 54    
    Wisconsin 55    
    Wyoming 56    
    State = Unknown 57    
    American Samoa 60    
    Federated States of Micronesia 64    
    Guam 66    
    Marshall Islands 68    
    Northern Marianas 69    
    Palau 70    
    Puerto Rico 72    
    Virgin Islands 78    
    Foreign Countries 90    
    Residence unknown/unreported 98  2  
    Total first-time=20 degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates (from Part = A)    6,501  6,403
    You may use the = space below=20 to provide context for the data you've reported = above.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Total Undergraduate Entering Class
    Total = Undergraduate=20 Entering Class, Fall 2012
    D1 Total full-time, first-time=20 degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates from=20 Part A (GR cohort)  6,378
    D2 Total first-time=20 degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates (full-time + = part-time) from Part A  6,501
    D3 Total transfer-in=20 degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates (full-time + = part-time) from Part A  1,310
    D4 Total non-degree/certificate-seeking = undergraduates (full-time + part-time) from Part = A  371
    D5 Of the total = non-degree/certificate-seeking=20 undergraduates displayed on line D4, the = number that=20 are new to the institution in Fall 2012  
    D6 Total entering = students at=20 the undergraduate level
    Note: This is = calculated as=20 first-time students (line D2) + students transferring = to the=20 institution (line D3) + non-degree/certificate-seeking = undergraduates entering in Fall 2012 (line D5).
    D7 Percentage of undergraduate entering = class=20 represented by your GR cohort (line = D1/line=20 D6)  81
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 E - First-time Bachelor's Cohort Retention Rates = (Full-time)
    Retention=20 Rates
    Full-time, First-time Bachelor's Cohort = from Fall=20 2011
    Academic = reporters=20 determine the cohort and retention as of the = institution's=20 official fall reporting date or as of October 15. = Program=20 reporters determine the cohort with enrollment any = time=20 between August 1 and October 31, 2011 and retention = based on=20 August 1, 2012.

    The retention rate is = calculated by the=20 system after clicking "Save" on the screen. Exclusions = are=20 subtracted from the original cohort and the resulting = adjusted=20 cohort is used for calculating the retention=20 rate.
    Retention Data = Reporting=20 Reminders:=20
    • Include only full-time, first-time = bachelor's=20 students in this cohort.
    • Determine the full-time cohort using Fall 2011 = status=20 (e.g. if a student was full-time in Fall 2011, = report them=20 in the full-time cohort regardless of their Fall = 2012=20 status).
    • If there are no students to report in the = cohort, enter=20 zero. Do not leave the field blank.
    • Report in the exclusions box (line E2) the = number of=20 students from the cohort who left the institution = for any of=20 the following reasons: died or were totally and = permanently=20 disabled; to serve in the armed forces (including = those=20 called to active duty); to serve with a foreign aid = service=20 of the Federal Government (e.g. Peace Corps); or to = serve on=20 official church missions.

    Prior year data = (Fall 2010=20 cohort)

    E1     =20 Full-time, first-time Fall 2011 bachelor's cohort      6,004  
    E2      = Exclusions = from the=20 Fall 2011 cohort      7  
    E3     =20 Adjusted Fall 2011 cohort  (line = E1-=20 line E2)  6,045    5,997  
    E4      = Students=20 from Fall 2011 cohort still enrolled as of Fall = 2012      5,103  
    E5     =20 Full-time, first-time Fall 2011 bachelor's cohort = retention=20 rate   (line E4 / line E3)  84 %  85 %
    =20 You may use the space below to provide context = for the=20 data you've reported above.
    These context notes = will be=20 posted on the College Navigator website, and should be = written=20 to be understood by students and parents.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 E - First-time Bachelor's Cohort Retention Rates = (Part-time)
    Retention=20 Rates
    Part-time, First-time Bachelor's Cohort = from Fall=20 2011
    Academic = reporters=20 determine the cohort and retention as of the = institution's=20 official fall reporting date or as of October 15. = Program=20 reporters determine the cohort with enrollment any = time=20 between August 1 and October 31, 2011 and retention = based on=20 August 1, 2012.

    The retention rate is = calculated by the=20 system after clicking "Save" on the screen. Exclusions = are=20 subtracted from the original cohort and the resulting = adjusted=20 cohort is used for calculating the retention=20 rate.
    Retention Data = Reporting=20 Reminders:=20
    • Include only part-time, first-time=20 bachelor's-seeking students in this cohort.
    • Determine part-time using Fall 2011 attendance = status=20 (e.g. if a student was part-time in Fall 2011, = report them=20 in the part-time cohort regardless of their Fall = 2012=20 status).
    • If there are no students to report in the = cohort, enter=20 zero. Do not leave the field blank.
    • Report in the exclusions box (line E7) the = number of=20 students from the cohort who left the institution = for any of=20 the following reasons: died or were totally and = permanently=20 disabled; to serve in the armed forces (including = those=20 called to active duty); to serve with a foreign aid = service=20 of the Federal Government (e.g. Peace Corps); or to = serve on=20 official church missions.

    Prior year data = (Fall 2010=20 cohort)
    E6 =      =20 Part-time, first-time Fall 2011 bachelor's cohort      85  
    E7 =       Exclusions = from the=20 Fall 2011 cohort      0  
    E8 =      =20 Adjusted Fall 2011 cohort  (line = E6 -=20 line E7)  87    85  
    E9 =      =20 Students from Fall 2011 cohort still enrolled = as of=20 Fall 2012      45  
    E10     =20 Part-time, first-time Fall 2011 bachelor's cohort = retention=20 rate (line E9 / line E8)  60 %  53 %
    =20 You may use the space below to provide context = for the=20 data you've reported above.
    These context notes = will be=20 posted on the College Navigator website, and should be = written=20 to be understood by students and parents.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 F - Student-to-Faculty Ratio
    Please provide = your=20 institution's student-to-faculty ratio (i.e.,=20 student-to-instructional staff) for undergraduate = programs for=20 Fall 2012. The student-to-faculty ratio and any = accompanying=20 context that is provided will be displayed on College=20 Navigator.

    Note: Logic in this item is similar = to item=20 I-2 from the Common Data Set data = collection.

    Click here to use = a=20 worksheet to help you determine the student-to-faculty = ratio
      Student-to-faculty ratio   to 1
      Student-to-faculty ratio prior = year  20 to 1
    =20 You may use the space below to provide context = for the=20 data you've reported above.
    These context notes = will be=20 posted on the College Navigator website, and should be = written=20 to be understood by students and parents.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Prepared=20 by
    This survey = component was=20 prepared by:
         Keyholder    SFA Contact    HR Contact    Finance Contact    Other  
    How long did it take to = prepare=20 this survey component?   hours   minutes  
    The name of the = preparer is being=20 collected so that we can follow up with the = appropriate person=20 in the event that there are questions concerning the = data. The=20 Keyholder will be copied on all email correspondence = to other=20 preparers.
    The time it took to = prepare this=20 component is being collected so that we can continue = to=20 improve our estimate of the reporting burden = associated with=20 IPEDS. Please include in your estimate the time it = took for=20 you to review instructions, query and search data = sources,=20 complete and review the component, and submit the data = through=20 the Data Collection System.
    Thank you for your=20 assistance.
    Institution: University of=20 Missouri-Columbia (178396) User ID: = 29C0011
    Fall=20 Enrollment Survey Summary
    Four-Year Institutions with = Graduate=20 Students

    IPEDS collects important information = regarding your=20 institution. All data reported in IPEDS survey components = become=20 available in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated = data in=20 various Department of Education reports. Additionally, some = of the=20 reported data appears specifically for your institution = through the=20 College Navigator website and is included in your = institution=E2=80=99s Data=20 Feedback Report (DFR). The purpose of this summary is to = provide you=20 an opportunity to view some of the data that, when accepted = through=20 the IPEDS quality control process, will appear on the = College=20 Navigator website and/or your DFR. College Navigator is = updated=20 approximately three months after the data collection period = closes=20 and Data Feedback Reports will be available through the ExPT = and=20 sent to your institution=E2=80=99s CEO in November 2013. =

    Please review your data for accuracy. If you = have=20 questions about the data displayed below after reviewing the = data=20 reported on the survey screens, please contact the IPEDS = Help Desk=20 at: 1-877-225-2568 or =

    Student Enrollment34,70426,9601,3107,74420 to = 1
    Total enrollment
    Undergraduate=20 enrollment
    Undergraduate=20 transfer-in enrollment
    Graduate=20 enrollment
    Student-to-faculty ratio

      Student Characteristics (All = Students)53%0%2%7%3%0%78%2%2%6%
    Percent of all students who are = female
    Percent of all students by = race/ethnicity:
    American = Indian or=20 Alaska Native
    Black or = African=20 American
    Native = Hawaiian or=20 Pacific Islander
    Two or More = Races
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown
    Nonresident = alien

      Undergraduate Student = Characteristics52%93%0%2%8%3%0%80%2%1%3%63%35%2%0%
    Percent of undergraduates who = are=20 female
    Percent of undergraduates who = are=20 full-time
    Percent of undergraduates by=20 race/ethnicity:
    American = Indian or=20 Alaska Native
    Black or = African=20 American
    Native = Hawaiian or=20 Pacific Islander
    Two or More = Races
    Race and = ethnicity=20 unknown
    Nonresident = alien
    Percent of first-time=20 degree/certificate seeking students from in state
    Percent of first-time=20 degree/certificate seeking students from = out-of-state
    Percent of first-time=20 degree/certificate seeking students from foreign = countries
    Percent of first-time=20 degree/certificate seeking students residency = unknown

      Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rate=20 Cohort84%60%81%
    First-time, full-time = bachelor=E2=80=99s=20 seeking student retention rate
    First-time, part-time = bachelor=E2=80=99s=20 seeking student retention rate
    Graduation rate cohort as = percent of=20 total entering students

      Graduate Student Characteristics58%66%
    Percent of graduate students = who are=20 female
    Percent of graduate students = who are=20 full-time

    Institution: =  University of Missouri-Columbia=20 (178396) User ID: =  29C0011
    Edit = Report
    Fall = Enrollment 
    Screen:=20 Part-time undergraduates
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