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Non-PO Voucher Common Holdups

Accounts Payable Shared Services reviews Non-PO Vouchers for compliance before releasing them for payment.  To ensure your Non-PO Voucher goes through on the first try, please become familiar with and avoid the list of common errors below. 

If you have created a Non-PO Voucher with errors, you will be contacted by an Accounts Payable Shared Services reviewer via email.  The reviewer will identify the error and what needs to be done before the Non-PO Voucher can be released.

The voucher must be approved by a person who has been properly authorized by the university administration in accordance with established University policy.
To fix this:

  1. Obtain the correct signatures and email the signed Non-PO Voucher back to Accounts Payable Shared Services.  We can accept approval by email. 

See: UM Policy 22101 Finance Account Code Structure

This voucher has two or more separate invoices attached, and Peoplesoft does not have the ability to handle more than one invoice per voucher.
To fix this:

  1. Request un-posting of the voucher. Call the Accounts Payable Shared Services Help Desk at 573-882-3051 and tell the staff person you need help un-posting a Non-PO Voucher.   The staff person will do so and the Non-PO Voucher will repost automatically overnight, so make your request on the same day you will make the changes.
  2. Do NOT delete the voucher.  Instead, change it to reflect just one of the invoices, and attach that invoice to it.
  3. Create a new voucher for each additional invoice, and attach the invoice.
  4. Return the vouchers for review and for payment processing.

There is one situation where we do appear to process multiple hotel invoices on one voucher. Sometimes a hotel will consolidate a number of folios and issue a single invoice reflecting them all. In that case we can pay the invoice.

For some transactions, a contract must be signed by a delegated authority of the university.  If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding a contract for a Non-PO Voucher, it is likely because the transaction is of the sort that can be paid by Non-PO Voucher once Administrative Services has approved a contract.   

Many services require that an agreement be signed.  ONLY Administrative Services, the Office of Sponsored Program Administration (OSPA) (for grant-related activities) and Procurement Services (for written agreements associated with purchase orders) have delegated authority to sign agreements on behalf of the university.

Examples of transactions that require written agreements reviewed and approved by either Administrative Services or OSPA (grant-funded) before services are rendered or payments are made:

  • Advertising (when supplier requires legal agreement)
  • Consultant/Professional Services Fees $500
  • Rental/lease space for off-campus facilities
  • Performance Agreements $500
  • Speaker Fees/Honorariums $500
  • Transactions which result in the creation of intellectual property (examples include photography services, webpage development, software development, sound or video recordings, etc.)
  • International Exchange Agreements/Educational Experiences (should be coordinated through Procurement.)

Notwithstanding the above, if the supplier/Service Provider requires a written agreement, it must be signed by a properly delegated authority of the University (Administrative Services, OSPA, Procurement, or IT.) 
To fix this:

  1. Once you have a contract in place, record the contract number on the voucher (or attach a copy of the contract to the voucher) and email it back to Accounts Payable Shared Services for processing.  By approving and signing the voucher for payment, the individual signing is warranting that the contract number provided is valid, the contract has been fully executed by a duly authorized signatory, and the payment is consistent with the terms of that contract.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding using a One Card or Purchase Order (PO) instead of a Non-PO Voucher, it is likely because the transaction is of the type that may not be paid by Non-PO Voucher.
To fix this:

  1. Please pay with your one card if the supplier accepts it.
  2. If the supplier does not accept the one card, create a requisition and pay by purchase order.
  3. Email a copy of the invoice with the correct PO number and Receiver number (if applicable) written on it to umprocimagingvouche@umsystem.edu.
  4. In order to return the funds to your DeptID the Non-PO voucher must be closed out in PeopleSoft. Please reply to the Accounting Payable Shared Services representative and request that the Non-PO voucher be closed. Once the Close process posts overnight, the Non-PO voucher will remain visible and the Close Status Indicator on the Non-PO Voucher Summary Page will show as Closed.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding using a Purchase Order (PO) instead of a Non-PO Voucher, it is likely because the transaction is of the type that may only be paid by Purchase Order.  
To fix this:

  1. Please create a requisition and pay by purchase order.
  2. Be sure to do Peoplesoft Receiving on the invoice.
  3. Email a copy of the invoice with the correct PO number and Receiver number (if applicable) written on it to umprocimagingvouche@umsystem.edu.
  4. In order to return the funds to your DeptID this Non-PO voucher must be closed out in PeopleSoft. Please reply to the Accounts Payable Shared Services representative and request that the Non-PO voucher be closed. Once the Close process posts overnight, the Non-PO Voucher will remain visible and the Close Status Indicator on the Non-PO Voucher Summary Page will show as Closed.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding using An OSPA Contract, it is likely because the transaction appears to pay through a grant.
To fix this:

  1. The Office of Sponsored Program Administration must approve and sign a contract.
  2. Attach a copy of the contract to the voucher and submit it to Accounts Payable Shared Services for processing.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding an Original Invoice, it is likely because we need the original receipt (if you are seeking reimbursement) or invoice (for direct billing) and you did not provide it.  If you stayed at a hotel, we need the original itemized hotel folio. Receipts need to be the actual original receipt provided by the supplier. If it is impossible to provide the original receipt, please explain the circumstances.  We cannot accept comments that the original receipt/invoice is not available without an explanation of the circumstances.  In many cases, we will require both an original receipt and also documentation of payment. 
To fix this:

  1. Attach the original invoices or receipts to your Non-PO Voucher in pdf format and email back to your reviewer.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding an Documentation of Payment, it is likely because we need proof for one or more of the expenses on the Non-PO Voucher that the person requesting reimbursement paid for the product or service. This can consist of a scanned photocopy of the front and back of a cancelled check, a reproduction of the cancelled check as part of a bank statement, or a copy of a credit card statement on which the charge appears.  In many cases we will require both an original receipt and also documentation of payment. 
To fix this:

  1. Attach proof of payment to your Non-PO Voucher  in pdf format and email back to your reviewer.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding payment by University One Card, it is likely because the preferred method of payment for this transaction is the One Card.  
To fix this:

  1. Please pay with the One Card if the Supplier will accept the card.
  2. If the Supplier does not accept the One Card, this transaction may be paid through a Non-PO Voucher, but you must reply to the reviewer to say so.
  3. Future expenses of this type should say "Supplier Does Not Accept University One Card" in the comments panel when requesting payment by Non-PO voucher.
  4. If the Supplier accepts a One Card, let your reviewer know.
    1. In order to return the funds to your DeptID this Non-PO Voucher must be closed out in PeopleSoft.   So you must also reply to the reviewer to request the voucher be closed.
    2. Non-PO Vouchers requiring a contract or signed agreement may not be paid with the One Card.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding a benefit statement for dues or memberships, it is likely because you are paying for dues or memberships without an additional attached document explaining how this expense will benefit the University of Missouri. 
To fix this:

  1. Please email a written statement explaining how the dues or membership will benefit the University of Missouri.
  2. Your statement of benefit can be a sentence or two listing some ways in which the performance of your duties at the university is enabled or enhanced with this membership. You could also list some ways in which you would be limited in performing your duties without this membership.

Per CRR 360.120:
"It is not appropriate for University funds to be used to pay individual personal membership dues in professional societies, associations, nor in social, service or civic clubs. This does not preclude the use of funds from gifts or grants specifically designated for the purpose of personal memberships."


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding the need for a Non-PO Voucher number, it is likely because your Non-Employee travel voucher did not show a voucher number, and we could not locate an existing Non-PO Voucher. 
To fix this:

  1. Please create a Non-PO Voucher and email the voucher number to us.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding the need for a documentation of price “in print”, it is likely because the invoice or receipt provides does not show a price.  Price in print by the supplier is needed to show an itemization of what the university is paying for. 
To fix this:

  1. Please email your reviewer documentation showing price in print.  A copy, printout, or forwarded email is acceptable to document price in print, so long as the source of the original is the original supplier.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding the need Conference Registration Materials, it is likely because you have submitted a Non-PO Voucher related to a conference with no supporting documentation. 
To fix this:

  1. Please email your reviewer any documentation showing conference registration materials to support this payment or reimbursement request.
  2. A scanned copy, printout, or forwarded email is acceptable to document conference registration materials, so long as the source of the original is the original supplier.
  3. Also, please email your reviewer any documentation showing meals provided and any add-ons to the base conference fee.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding deducting sales tax, it is likely because you asked for reimbursement of Missouri Sales Tax on a purchase or hotel stay, or because you submitted a voucher for direct payment that includes sales tax. The university is tax exempt and will not reimburse for Missouri sales tax. The individual making the purchase is responsible for insuring that sales tax is not charged. The university's sales tax exemption must not, under any circumstances, be used for items being purchased for personal use. 
To fix this:

  1. You must change your Non-PO Voucher in Peoplesoft to deduct the amount for sales tax.

Certificate: Exemption From Missouri Sales And Use Tax On Purchases


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding splitting expenses on a Non-PO Voucher into more than one line, it is likely because compensation (such as consulting fees and honoraria) have been included in the same voucher line as expense reimbursements, which are generally non-taxable. 
To fix this:

  1. You must change your Non-PO Voucher in Peoplesoft to split compensation and reimbursement expenses into separate voucher lines. 


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding Rental Car Insurance, it is likely because Rental Car Insurance has been included on your Non-PO Voucher.  In most cases the University will not reimburse optional insurance or waivers on car rentals. 

To fix this:

  1. You must change your Non-PO Voucher in Peoplesoft to deduct the amount for Rental Car Insurance.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding Foreign Currency Conversion Rates, it is likely because the receipts attached to your Non-PO Voucher are in a foreign currency and have not been converted to US dollars.  Receipts in foreign currency must be converted into US dollars using the conversion rates in effect at the time of the transaction. The receipts should be translated into English. See the Travel Reimbursement Preparation page. 
To fix this:

  1. Indicate the Foreign Currency Conversation Rate on your Non-PO Voucher’s attached  receipt/s and apply this rate the receipt line-by-line to arrive at a US Dollar amount.
  2. Then resend the Non-PO Voucher and adjusted receipts back to your reviewer.


If you have been notified by Accounts Payable Shared Services regarding Reimbursement by Another Entity, it is likely because your Non-PO Voucher indicated another party will be paying a part of the expense making up the voucher, but there is not sufficient documentation to process the voucher. 
To fix this:  

  1. Attach documentation that reimbursement was requested from the entity within 60 days of the end of the trip. In these situations, the reimbursement request to MU must include:
    1. Name, address and phone number of the other entity.
    2. An explanation of the arrangement with the other entity and why MU and the other entity are each paying a portion.
    3. The expenses submitted to the other entity for reimbursement and when. This should include copies of supporting documentation.

Note: If the other entity is reimbursing all of the travel expenses, the travel expenses should not be charged to the university. The cost of airfare and other travel expenses should be borne by the traveler and the traveler reimbursed directly from the organization.

Reviewed 2024-03-13

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