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Non-PO Voucher Enclosures

Electronically attaching Enclosures with your Non-PO Voucher
When paying a Non-PO Voucher by check, it is sometimes necessary to include documents with the check.  These documents are called Enclosures.  If it is absolutely necessary to include original documents with the check, you must follow the Hold Check Process.  If including a copy of the document is acceptable, please follow the process below.  Please note that both Hold Checks and electronically attaching enclosures take more time to process, are more costly to mail, and delay getting the check in the mail.  Therefore, enclosures should be sent only when absolutely necessary. This is the process for handling enclosures:

Enclosures are sent with the check when additional information is required to identify the charges. Transactions that require an enclosure are:

  • Advance payment of conference fees
  • Registrations
  • Hotel deposits
  • Subscription requests and renewals
  • Utilities
  • Publication orders


  • Complete the Payment Request Form as usual. Make a note about an enclosure needed to accompany the check in the "Comments" panel on the Payment Request.
  • If the enclosure is too bulky to fit in a #10 envelope, request a Hold Check in the "Comments" panel because the enclosure cannot be sent by the enclosure process.

Accounts Payable Shared Services

  • Accounts Payable Shared Services processes the Non-PO Voucher.
  • Add/edit Invoice Number information, as needed.
  • Verify that enclosures are needed and, if so, add enclosure flag to Non-PO Voucher payment.

Reviewed 2019-08-05

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Attach Documents


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