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Publications and Printed Material

Series #: ARC-017-01A

Series Description:

These records include items produced in the course of business by the University, its staff, faculty, and students for educational and informational purposes. It includes, but is not limited to: newsletters, pamphlets, catalogs, yearbooks, directories, proceedings, programs, reports/annual reports, recruitment pieces, posters, brochures, flyers, manuals, cards, magazines, announcements, promotional material, publications, university maps, event programs including athletics, concerts, lectures, general graduation records, and any other material printed and/or published.

Series Cutoff: Time of Publication

Retention Period: Permanent

Disposition Action: Transfer to Archives for Evaluation

Approval Date: 2023-01-01

Notes and Citations:

Send three (3) copies of each publication to Campus Archives at the time of Publication. Extra copies may be destroyed when no longer of administrative value.  

Reviewed 2022-12-19