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Patient Treatment Records (Paper and Microform Only)

Series #: HOS-001-25

Series Description:

This retention applies to hardcopy (paper and microform) patient treatment records and charts.  This retention applies to adults, minors, students and deceased patients with paper or microfilm treatment files or charts created prior to the implementation of electronic patient charts in 2017.  This retention also applies to dental, vision, behavioral health, anesthesia, fetal monitoring strips, newborn nursery log books, cardiac rehabilitation and care, death charts, and kidney care records/charts stored in paper form.   This retention does not apply to electronic patient records.  See Patient Treatment Records (Electronic).

Series Cutoff: 25 years from 12/31/2017, the year of service, or year placed into storage - the oldest date will determine future destruction eligibility. See examples in Notes and Citations.

Retention Period: 25 Years

Disposition Action: Securely Destroy or Delete

Approval Date: 2022-07-01

Notes and Citations:

Destruction eligibility examples for paper and microform charts:

Example 1.)  A box of patient records with unknown service dates will be eligible for destruction on 12/31/2042 - 25 years after the last paper charts were created in 2017.  

Example 2.)  A box of patient records was placed into storage in 2008 without service dates and will be eligible for destruction on 12/31/2033 - 25 years after the box was received in storage in 2008.

Example 3.)  A box of patient records was received in 2017 but indicate the dates of service were for 2002.  The box will be eligible for destruction on 12/31/2027 - 25 years after the year of service.    

Citations: Mo. Rev. Stat. 19 CSR 30-20 (17) and Mo Rev Stat 334.097 and MoRS 332.052

Reviewed 2024-06-17