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Prescriptions, Refills and Controlled Drug Records

Series #: HOS-001-05

Series Description:

Records of prescriptions written by physicians for patients to obtain medications.  Also includes records of refills, controlled drug records, and other records tracking the distribution and dispensing of prescription drugs.  

Series Cutoff: Date of Prescription or Refill

Retention Period: 5 Years

Disposition Action: Securely Destroy or Delete

Approval Date: 2022-07-01

Notes and Citations:

RSMo 338.100 requires five (5) years

21 CFR 1304.04 requires two (2) years. RSMo 195.050.3 and 19 CSR 30-1.041 also require two (2) years

4 CSR 220-2.080 requires five (5) years in the Pharmacy

Reviewed 2022-05-02