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Courtesy PAF Details

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1. EmplID

An eight-digit number automatically assigned by PeopleSoft. It is used as the unique identifier for each person.

2. Effective Date

The date (mm/dd/yyyy) the individual officially starts a courtesy appointment.

3. Prefix

Select the appropriate check box.

4. First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix

The legal name of the individual as it appears on the Social Security Card. If entering an initial for the middle name, do not enter a period. Note: The use of upper and lowercase letters as well as any punctuation indicated on the Social Security Card is important for data entry.

The following are the correct ways to record names on a PAF:

Name Format (in PeopleSoft)
David H. Jones Jones,David H
David Hightower Jones Jones,David Hightower
David Hightower-Jones Hightower-Jones,David
David H. Jones, Jr. Jones Jr,David H
David H. Jones III Jones III,David H
David H. O'Neill O'Neill,David H

5. Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY)

Enter the individual's date of birth.

6. Gender

Select the appropriate check box.

7. Home Address (Local Address)

Enter the address provided by the individual.

8. Mailing Address (Only provide if different than above)

If different than the home address, enter the address provided by the individual.

9. UM Work Address (Required)

For an individual with a campus address, enter the room number, building name, and phone number.

Format: 130 Heinkel Bldg.

For an individual with an off campus address, enter the street, city, county, state, and zip code.

Format: Hwy 63 South, Columbia, MO 65211, Boone

Telephone Numbers

Enter the individual's home telephone number and work telephone number with area code.

Format: 573.882.0000

10. Action

Field is pre-populated on the PAF. HIR (Hire) establishes a courtesy or volunteer appointment.

11. Reason

Select the appropriate check box to indicate either courtesy appointment (CAP) or volunteer (VOL).

12. Expected Job End Date (If Applicable)

To automatically terminate the appointment, enter the expected job end date (mm/dd/yyyy).

COLUM: Use when the end date of the courtesy appointment is known. Columbia uses this field to automatically terminate an employee.

KCITY: Use as appropriate.

ROLLA: Do not use this field.

UMSYS: Use when the end date of the courtesy appointment is known. If a date is not specified, courtesy appointments will terminate in one year.

13. Business Unit

The five character code that identifies the courtesy appointment's "host" campus/business unit. Options include COLUM, HOSPT, KCITY, ROLLA, STLOU, UOEXT, UMSYS, and UWIDE.

14. Department

The 6-10 digit alphabetic code that identifies the department or sub-department that is establishing the courtesy appointment.

COLUM: Use the HR Dept Security Tree feature (under the PS HR Search Options menu item) in to identify the department.

ROLLA: Use the HR Dept Security Tree feature (under the PS HR Search Options menu item) in to identify the department.

15. Job Code

The four-digit code (e.g., 7910) of the title that best describes the individual's affiliation with the University.

For volunteers always use 9996.

When preparing a PAF, make sure the job code is authorized for use on the campus by referring to the Job Code Lookup (under the PS HR Search Options menu item) in .

16. Benefit Status

Field is pre-populated on the PAF. Temporary is the only benefit status for a non-employee appointment.

For additional information, refer to HR policy HR-101 Employee Status.

17. Empl Class

Field is pre-populated on the PAF. Non-Emp is the only empl class for a non-employee appointment.

18. Pay Group

Field is pre-populated on the PAF. NEN (non-employee, not paid) is the only pay group for non-paying appointments.

19. Empl Type

Field is pre-populated on the PAF. H (hourly) is the only empl type for a non-employee appointment.

20. Working Title

Only use this field to capture a title that is different that the title associated with the job code. If the title associated with the job code is sufficient, then leave this field blank.

21. Benefit Program

Field is pre-populated on the PAF. DBP (Default Benefit Program) is required for data entry purposes.


Use this space for special notes to assist in processing the PAF. Clarification of details should be documented in this section.

23. Authorizations

Signatures as defined by the Delegation of Authority in HR policy HR-201 Authorization for Personnel Action.

Reviewed 2019-08-05