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300.030 Faculty Bylaws of the Missouri University of Science and Technology

Bd. Min. 6-25-71, p. 35,936; Amended Bd. Min. 10-12-73, p. 36,845; Bd. Min. 10-31-75, p. 37,462; Bd. Min. 11-13-81, 5-7-82 & 6-22-84; Bd. Min. 6-13-86; Bd. Min. 6-24-88; Bd. Min. 6-23-89; Bd. Min. 10-13-89; Bd. Min. 8-3-90, 7-30-92; Amended Bd. Min. 3-20-97; Bd. Min. 3-22-02; Bd. Min. 10-16-03; Bd. Min. 11-29-07; Bd. Min. 1-29-10; Bd. Min. 4.11.19; Amended 4-20-23; Amended Bd. Min. 6-29-23.

  1. PreambleThe faculty of the Missouri University of Science and Technology in order to facilitate communications and to provide for effective academic governance, for participation in decision making, and for shared responsibility in academic affairs, do establish and subscribe to these Bylaws.
  2. Executive Authority
    1. University -- The President of the University of Missouri is its chief executive officer and academic officer.
    2. Campus -- The Chancellor of the Missouri University of Science and Technology is the chief executive and academic officer of the campus.  The Provost is the executive officer for academic affairs.
  3. General Faculty
    1. Membership -- The General Faculty of the Missouri University of Science and Technology consists of all tenured, tenure-track, and ranked non-tenure track full-time faculty members , the President, the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor of Graduate Studies and Research, the Provost, the Vice-Provost and Dean of each college, the Registrar, the Dean of the Library, and any other person who may be elected by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Faculty. Voting members of the General Faculty are the full time tenured and tenure-track faculty of the Missouri University of Science and Technology. All members of the General Faculty have the right to participate in discussions.
    2. Duties, Powers, Responsibilities & Privileges -- The primary functions of the faculty are education, research, and service. The responsibilities and duties of the faculty are those derived from its authority to organize as granted by the Board of Curators. It shall have such other authority as delegated to it by the President and/or the Chancellor. The General Faculty is responsible for academic programs concerning the Missouri University of Science and Technology or those involving more than one Department, and for matters affecting the welfare of the institution, including but not limited to: academic standards and courses of instruction; and general standards to be met by educational, research, and service programs. Participatory authority and functions of the faculty are expressed through faculty involvement in the campus committee structure including those committees which govern academic and administrative matters affecting the campus, faculty and students. The faculty participates in the selection of administrative officers. The faculty participates in the monitoring of administrative and academic operating procedures. The faculty may make recommendations to the Chancellor on: institutional facilities, personnel and resources, professional standards, employment qualifications, tenure, promotion, salary, retirement, and other factors affecting faculty morale and welfare; and student affairs including health, welfare, conduct, and morale of the students.
    3. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
      1. Academic Rights -- Each faculty member has the right to freedom of inquiry, discourse, teaching, research and publication, as well as the responsibilities correlative with this right (as prescribed by ˿Ƶ of Missouri Board of Curators Collected Rules and Regulations).
      2. Civil Rights -- Faculty members are not required to relinquish any of their constitutional rights (as prescribed by ˿Ƶ of Missouri Board of Curators Collected Rules and Regulations).
      3. Employment Rights -- Faculty members shall have rights consistent with their continuous appointment or term appointment (during the term), except for cause, retirement or financial exigencies (as stated in The  Curators of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations).
      4. Notification of Appointment -- Faculty members shall be notified of their appointments promptly (as stated in Te Curators of the University of Missouri Rules and Regulations).
      5. Right to be Kept Informed -- The faculty shall be kept informed of actions and activities of committees and the executive officers of the General Faculty, and of other occurrences that pertain to the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Where possible such information shall be made available to the faculty before being made available to the general public.
    4. Officers of the General Faculty -- The officers of the General Faculty shall consist of the President of the University, the Chancellor, the President of the Faculty Senate, a Secretary, and a Parliamentarian.
      1. Chancellor -- The Chancellor of the Missouri University of Science and Technology is the presiding officer of the General Faculty. The Chancellor presides at meetings of the General Faculty but may extend this right to the President of the University when present.
      2. President -- The President of the Faculty Senate presides at meetings of the General Faculty in the absence of or at the discretion of the Chancellor.
      3. Secretary -- The Secretary is appointed by the Chancellor and need not be a member of the General Faculty. The Secretary keeps minutes of the proceedings of the General Faculty meetings. The Secretary is required to distribute an agenda prior to each meeting, and the minutes after each meeting, to all members of the General Faculty.
      4. Parliamentarian -- The Parliamentarian is appointed by the Chancellor and must be a member of the General Faculty.
    5. Meetings -- All meetings are called by the Chancellor. A quorum shall consist of ten (10) percent of the voting members when business described in the published agenda is being considered and fifty (50) percent of the voting members when other items of business are being considered.
      1. Regular Meetings -- There shall be at least three (3) regular meetings of the General Faculty each academic year.
      2. Special Meetings  
        (1) Special meetings are called upon the request of the President of the University; of the Chancellor; of the Faculty Senate; and by written petition of five (5) percent of the members of the General Faculty.
        (2) All Special Meetings shall be called within ten (10) school days after the request is presented to the Chancellor.
        (3) Only topics designated in the call for a Special Meeting may be discussed or acted upon at said meeting.
      3. Notice of Meetings -- Notice of all meetings of the General Faculty shall be sent to each member of the General Faculty at least five (5) school days prior to the meeting. Such notice includes the agenda for the meeting.
      4. Restriction on Voting at Regular Meetings -- In general, business coming before the General Faculty for action at a regular meeting shall be placed on the agenda before coming to a vote. Any other matters may be placed before the General Faculty and acted upon at a regular meeting without being placed on the agenda, unless five (5) voting members of the General Faculty request a delay. If such a request for delay is presented, the presiding officer shall delay the vote until the next regular meeting of the General Faculty at which time the matter will automatically be placed on the agenda, unless the matter has been acted upon at a special meeting before the next regular meeting is held.
      5. Minutes of Meetings -- Minutes of all General Faculty meetings will be distributed by the Secretary to all members of the General Faculty within ten (10) school days after the meeting.
      6. Rules of Order -- Unless otherwise addressed in these bylaws, meetings of the General Faculty are conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
  4. Faculty Organizations -- The primary functional unit of the faculty is the Department.  For its governing purposes the faculty is further organized into the
    General Faculty, the Graduate Faculty, the Faculty Senate, Standing Committees, Judicial Committees, and Special Programs.

    1. Departments
      1. Organization and Membership
        (1) Departments are the primary functional units of the campus. The program of a department is conducted by its faculty through the chairperson, who has general responsibility over the department. The chairpairson shall act as the administrative representative of the department in its official relations with the University.
        (2) Members of the department are all those members of the faculty who hold the rank of Instructor or above in the department, and such other persons who teach in or conduct research in the department structure and are accepted by a majority vote of the department members.
        (3) Academic departments are those that are responsible to conduct teaching, research, and service on behalf of the University.
      2. Academic Department Reorganization
        (1) There shall be a process followed for academic unit reorganization. Unit(s) in this document shall refer to college, department, program, or special programs as defined in the Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Bylaws.
        (2) Affected unit(s) shall refer to the academic department(s) considered in a reorganization, which could vary in number and that would be reorganized as a result of this process.
        (3)There shall be separate procedures for reorganization of departments as defined in b(1) above where the Faculty/Units or the Administration are the impetus for the change. Administration refers to Chancellor, Provost, or Vice‐Provost and Dean.
        (4) The process shall be agreed upon by the Chancellor, Provost, Vice‐
        Provost and Deans, and Faculty Senate.
      3. Operation and Meetings
        (1) Department meetings are held throughout the academic year and are conducted according to democratic procedures. All matters concerning the department are open to discussion.
        (2) When a department position is to be filled, knowledge of the qualifications of the applicants is to be made available to the department members. Their opinions on the choice of candidates shall be sought by the chair before final recommendations for appointment are submitted.
      4. Responsibility and Authority
        (1) Faculty members direct and perform the work of instruction, coordinate and conduct research within the department, and provide service within the University, to the academic community, and to the public.
        (2) Faculty members are also concerned about the internal administration of the department and should be kept fully informed consistent with Section 20.110 of ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations about all matters related to the department excepting only matters that are explicitly protected by written university policy, or confidentiality, or privacy laws that prevent disclosure.
        (3) Proposals for changes in curriculum or courses may be initiated by the department and submitted to the Curricula Committee.
        (4) Each department, acting in accordance with the Collected Rules and Regulations established by the Board of Curators and Campus Policies, shall have delegated directly to it by the General Faculty jurisdiction over matters primarily of interest only to that department. This includes but is not limited to: entrance requirements for degree programs; the curricula of the department; action concerning petitions for changes in prescribed courses of study presented by individual students enrolled in the department; decisions concerning the scholastic standing of students enrolled in the department; recommendations to the General Faculty concerning the granting of degrees to students enrolled in the department; and primary responsibility for maintaining and improving the academic excellence of the department.
        (5) All academic coursework shall be offered by departments, with the exception of courses offered through Special Programs.
    2. Special Programs
      1. Definition of Special Programs. Special Programs are academic programs that are highly interdisciplinary, or for some other reason may not readily conform to the Department structure.
      2. Creation of Special Programs. The Provost may propose, with the appropriate academic rationale and suggested structure, that a Special Program be formed or an existing Special Program be changed. The Provost forwards the proposed program, or change to an existing program, with his/her recommendations, and the suggested constituencies from which the Program Representatives will be drawn, to the Faculty Senate for approval.
      3. Governance of Special Programs. Each Special Program will be governed by a Board of Program Representatives.  The mechanism for selection of the Program Representatives must be delineated in the Special Program proposal from full time, ranked, faculty – to be elected by and from the faculty of the participating Academic Departments.  The election of Program Representatives shall be conducted by the Provost, or his/her designee.  The Provost will inform the Faculty Senate of the composition of the Program Representatives upon initial creation of the Program, and annually thereafter.
      4. Program Leader. The Program Representatives shall normally select a Program Leader from their ranks.  The Program Leader is authorized, upon a vote of the Program Representatives, to submit curricula changes to the Provost, then the Campus Curricula Committee and then the Faculty Senate for approval.  The Program Leader may act as the approval authority for items within the purview of the Program.
      5. Scope of Special Programs. Special Programs shall not duplicate, or infringe, on Academic Department responsibilities. Special Programs shall not offer Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D., or Eng.D. degrees, but may offer Certificates, Minors, or other acknowledgements of a student’s participation in a Special Program.
      6. Modification and Deletion of Special Programs. Requests to alter the number of Program Representatives, method of selection of Program Representatives, or the Academic Departments that they represent, must be approved by both the Provost and the Faculty Senate.  Elimination of a Special Program also requires the approval of the Provost and Faculty Senate.
    3. Graduate Faculty
      1. Responsibility and Authority-- The Graduate Faculty is responsible for maintaining an environment that will encourage the pursuit of scholarly work beyond the Bachelor’s degree and for implementing the policies of the Board of Curators in the administration of graduate studies at Missouri S&T.
      2. Membership and Activities -- Rules regarding membership, activities, and subcommittees of the Graduate Faculty are established by the Rules and Regulations of the Graduate Faculty.
    4. Faculty Senate
      1. Authority and Responsibility -- The Faculty Senate is the legislative and policy-making body of the General Faculty. It carries out the responsibilities of the Faculty (see above: §C.2) not specifically reserved to the General Faculty and shall consider all matters referred to it by the Board of Curators, the President of the University, the Chancellor, and the individual faculty members. The Faculty Senate, as the primary representative faculty voice, shall advise the administration and the faculty on the implementation of policies concerning the educational and research operations of the campus and other matters affecting the welfare of the campus, the faculty and the students.
      2. Membership and Voting Rights
        (1) Members of the Faculty Senate are elected during the second semester of the academic year, and serve from August 1 until the end of their term.
        (2) Faculty representatives are elected from and by each department as follows: each department elects one representative for the first ten (10), or fraction thereof, full-time faculty members in that department, and an additional representative for each additional ten (10) full-time faculty members in that department, rounded off to the nearest ten (10) faculty members, with five (5) being rounded upward.
        (3) Ex officio non-voting members of the Faculty Senate consist of the Officers of the Faculty Senate (as described in in §D.4.c. below) as described elsewhere in these Bylaws, the President of the University, the Chancellor, the Provost, the Vice Provost and Dean of the Colleges, the Registrar, the Staff Council President, the Student Council President and Vice President, and the Council of Graduate Students President. Faculty Senate officers who are also elected departmental representatives will retain their voting rights. However, the chairperson of the Faculty Senate meeting normally does not vote at meetings unless required to break a tie.
        (4) All members of the General Faculty are eligible to vote for, be elected to, and serve on the Faculty Senate.
        (5) Terms of Office
        (a) Departmental representatives serve two-year (2-year) terms. Any departmental representative unable to serve during a given semester may be replaced by special election in the department. The elected replacement either finishes the original term or serves for the semester in question, at the discretion of the department.
        (b) Departmental representatives are permitted to allow a proxy member of their department to serve in their stead should they need to miss a meeting.
        (c) Student members are selected to a 1-year term.
      3. Officers of the Faculty Senate -- The officers of the Faculty Senate consist of a Past President, the President, the President-Elect, the Parliamentarian, and the Secretary, all of whom must be members of the General Faculty. Department chairs and other persons who devote 50% or more of their time to administrative duties shall not be eligible to serve as Faculty Senate Officers. The new officers are elected annually. The election is held during the last regular meeting of the second semester of the academic year, and officers begin their duties August 1.
        (1) The President presides at the meetings of the Faculty Senate. The President is the official spokesperson of the Faculty Senate and maintains open communications with the faculty, administration, staff, and students. The President is responsible for supervising all authority delegated by the Faculty Senate and for executing the decisions made by the Faculty Senate.
        (2) The President-Elect serves in the capacity of the President during the latter's absence, or upon the President's request. The President-Elect is also an assistant to the President.
        (3) The Parliamentarian makes recommendations to the President (or his/her/their delegate) on questions of parliamentary procedure for the Faculty Senate.
        (4) The Secretary is responsible for all records, minutes, resolutions, and correspondence of the Faculty Senate. The Secretary supervises the publications of the agenda and the minutes of the meetings. The minutes shall be distributed by the Secretary of the Faculty Senate to all members of the General Faculty within ten (10) school days after the meeting.
      4. Meetings and Rules of Order
        (1)The Faculty Senate meets on Thursdays (determined by the Faculty Senate) at 2:00 p.m., at least three times each semester and once during the summer term. Faculty Senate members shall be relieved from other time-conflicting duties, and this time is considered to be a part of their full-time effort.
        (2) The agenda of the Faculty Senate meetings is distributed to all faculty members no later than 5 school days in advance of the meetings.
        (3) Meetings of the Faculty Senate are conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. Should a conflict arise among Robert's Rules of Order, the Faculty Bylaws of the General Faculty, and the Procedural and general Resolutions for the Faculty Senate and General Faculty, the order of precedence shall be firstly ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations, secondly the Faculty Bylaws, thirdly the Procedural and general Resolutions for the Faculty Senate and General Faculty, and finally Robert's Rules of Order.
        (4) Faculty Senate meetings are open to the public except as prohibited by law, but only the Senators are entitled to vote.
        (5) Two-thirds of the voting membership of the Faculty Senate constitutes a quorum.
        (6) A session of the Faculty Senate is defined as meetings occurring between 1 August and 31 July of the academic year.
        (7) The effective date of all actions is thirty (30) days after the action has been communicated to the faculty, unless four-fifths of the Faculty Senate members approve a motion that an action become effective immediately or unless action to veto or amend is initiated by the General Faculty within the thirty (30) day period. No action taken by the Faculty Senate shall be implemented prior to its certification at a meeting of the General Faculty if a petition to veto or to amend such action is submitted to the Chancellor by more than ten (10) percent of the members of the General Faculty.
      5. Special Meetings -- Special Meetings are to be called upon the request of the President of the University; the Chancellor; the President of the Faculty Senate; or, by written petition of five percent (5%) of the Senators of the Faculty Senate.
        (1) All special meetings shall be called within ten (10) school days after the request is presented to the President of the Faculty Senate.
        (2) Only topics designated in the call for a special meeting may be discussed or acted upon at said meeting.
      6. Electronic Voting -- Electronic voting on issues that do not require significant discussion is permitted by the approval of a majority of the Faculty Senate officers. Voting may be done by E-mail, online survey, or other tool deemed appropriate by the officers and these actions are to be included in the minutes of the next scheduled meeting. All electronic ballots shall keep voting open for at least one (1) week or until a majority decision of all Senators is obtained. If within that time, ten percent (10%) of the Senators object to the electronic vote to the President of the Faculty Senate, the electronic vote shall be cancelled and the issue referred to an in-person faculty senate meeting.

      7. Delegation of Authority
        (1) Since the authority of the Faculty Senate is delegated to it by the General Faculty, the actions and policies enacted by the Senate are subject to over-rule by the General Faculty.
        (2) All authority delegated by the Faculty Senate to committees or individuals is subject to change or over-rule by the Faculty Senate.
        (3) Standing Committees of the General Faculty shall report to the Faculty Senate at regular meetings upon one week's notification by the President or President-Elect of the Faculty Senate.
    5. Standing Committees:
      1. Each standing Committee formulates and recommends actions and policies related to the scope of their mandated areas. Authority to act is limited to the specific mandates for which this power is delegated in the following sections of these Bylaws or by the functions prescribed by ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations.
      2. Standing committees report to and through the Faculty Senate unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.
      3. A faculty member shall concurrently serve on no more than two (2) Standing Committees, excluding the Rules, Procedures and Agenda (RP&A) Committee. If any department lacks sufficient faculty members for representation on all Faculty Senate committees, that department may select representatives to serve on committees of its choice until such time as the number of faculty members increases to the point where the department can be represented on all committees.
      4. All full- or part-time students in good standing are eligible to serve on standing committees that include one (1) or more student members.
      5. The Chancellor may appoint one non-voting member to any standing committee, for a one-year (1-year) term.
      6. Chairs of standing committees shall be tenured faculty. Department chairs, and other persons who devote 50% or more of their time to administrative duties shall not be eligible to serve as standing committee chairs. Standing committee chairpersons shall be elected annually, from and by the membership of the standing committee, unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.
      7. For each academic year, the membership and chair of each standing committee should be finalized by April 30 of the previous academic year. Standing Committees will be responsible for their duties from August 1 through July 31 of the following year.
      8. The Rules, Procedures and Agenda (RP&A) Committee has the authority to call a meeting of any standing committee. Upon a determination by the RP&A that a standing committee is not acting in a timely manner to resolve an issue to which it has been referred to address, the RP&A can call a meeting of the committee and appoint an ad hoc chair for that meeting.
      9. Judicial Committees are not subject to the provisions applicable to Standing Committees.
    6. Faculty Standing Committees
      1. Academic Freedom and Standards Committee (AF&SC)
        (1) This committee is concerned with the academic freedom of faculty and promoting academic excellence. It recommends and reviews policies concerning requirements for admission, graduation and academic standards.
        (2) Each department may nominate one faculty member for service on the Academic Freedom and Standards Committee.  The Faculty Senate will select from these nominees eight (8) faculty members to serve on the committee. Faculty members serve a two-year (2-year) term with approximately one half elected each year.
      2. Administrative Review Committee
        (1) This committee sets policies and procedures for review of campus administrators ranking from Chancellor to Department Chair. The committee recommends the evaluation questionnaires and a plan/schedule for conducting reviews to the Faculty Senate. The committee conducts the reviews; oversees the sending of the evaluation forms to the evaluating persons; oversees the collection and collation of the resulting evaluations; and, along with the officers of the Faculty Senate, reviews and forwards the results of the evaluation to the Faculty Senate and the supervisors of the individual evaluated.
        (2) The committee consists of six (6) representatives nominated by the Rules, Procedures and Agenda Committee (with the possibility of nominations from the floor) and elected by a vote of the Faculty Senate. Committee members serve for two (2) years, terms to be staggered with the election of three (3) faculty members each year, and shall be full-time, tenured faculty members with an administrative component of 50% or less.
      3. Budgetary Affairs Committee
        (1) This committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate, the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor of Finance and Operations or the equivalent administrative office on matters concerning the long-range vision of the campus; plans to fulfill this vision; and budgetary matters as a consequence of the vision. These recommendations include, but are not limited to: all matters of a budgetary nature; and policies and priorities for strategic and tactical plans with goals of teamwork, fiscal transparency and shared governance. The committee studies the Campus budget, keeps informed of its preparation and status, and consults with and advises the Chancellor on all matters pertaining to budgetary affairs.
        (2) Each department may nominate one faculty member for service on the Budgetary Affairs Committee. The committee consists of two (2) faculty members elected from and by the Faculty Senate, four (4) elected by the Faculty Senate from the Department nominations, two from and by the Graduate Faculty, one (1) student chosen by the Student Council, and one (1) administrative member appointed by the Chancellor. Elected members serve for a two-year (2-year) term, one half being elected each year.
      4. Campus Curricula Committee
        (1) This committee acts as an advisor and coordinator in regard to the disciplinary appropriateness and quality of curricular proposals, policies, and all course offerings. Proposals for curricula and course changes shall be submitted to the CCC via the Discipline-Specific Curricula Committee (DSCC) associated with the proposal. The DSCC recommendations shall be submitted with the proposal. Special Programs are not normally associated with a DSCC, and may submit proposals directly to the Campus Curricula Committee. Within 10 school days after receipt of the proposal, the CCC shall distribute copies to all departments via their DSCC representatives. Counter proposals submitted to the committee by the departmental representative of the concerned department should be considered when the original proposals are discussed. The recommendation of the committee shall be forwarded to the Faculty Senate for appropriate action.
        (2) The CCC will submit proposals for new graduate programs or any changes to existing graduate programs to the Graduate Faculty committee for approval prior to being considered by the Faculty Senate.
        (3) The committee consists of representatives from the Faculty Senate, Graduate Faculty committee and DSCC committees. Two (2) faculty members will be elected from and by the Faculty Senate, each serving a two-year (2-year) term. The Senate will attempt to stagger the terms of the representatives. The Curricula Committee of the Graduate Faculty Committee will elect one (1) representative to serve a two-year (2-year) term. The program leader of each DSCC will be an ex-officio, voting, member of the CCC.
      5. Committee for Effective Teaching
        (1) This committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate and the Provost, regarding the instruments to be used for evaluations of teaching, the procedures for conducting these evaluations, and policies related to the public disclosure of the evaluation results. The scope of the committee’s responsibilities includes evaluation of all aspects of teaching in courses providing academic credit.
        (2) In addition to student evaluations, the committee is to consider alternate methods of evaluating teaching, may suggest methods and programs for improving teaching, and makes recommendations on the selection process and criteria for campus-wide teaching awards.
        (3) The committee consists of one (1) faculty member, elected from, and by, each department desiring representation, one (1) student selected by the Student Council, and one (1) graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students. Faculty representatives serve three-year (3-year) terms, and students serve a one (1) year term. In addition, the Provost may appoint up to three (3) non-voting members to this committee.
      6. Discipline Specific Curricula Committees
        (1) A DSCCs assists in coordinating curricular proposals generated by the degree programs as specified in the charter of that DSCC.
        (2) The Provost may propose, with appropriate academic rationale and suggested structure, changes to the DSCC(s). The Provost forwards the proposals with his/her recommendations, and the suggested constituencies from which the committee members will be drawn by the following rules, to the Faculty Senate for approval.

        (a) Every DSCC shall be identified by a discipline name.
        (b) Every degree program shall be associated with one, and only one, DSCC. These associations will be stated in the charter of each DSCC, and may be altered only with the approval of the Provost and the Faculty Senate.
        (c) Each DSCC program leader shall serve a (1) one-year term, and be elected from, and by, its members. Each DSCC program leader shall serve as a voting member of the CCC.

      7. Environmental Health, Safety, and Security Committee (EHSS)
        (1) This committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate, the Chief of Police, and appropriate administrative officials concerning policies, priorities, and training related to environmental health, safety, and physical security on campus.
        (2) The voting members of the committee consist of one (1) person elected from each academic department desiring representation, two (2) representatives of the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, the Chief of Campus Police or his/her appointee, one (1) administrative member appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations, one (1) student selected by the Student Council, one (1) graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students, and one (1) representative of Staff Council. In addition, the Provost may appoint one (1) non-voting member to this committee. Department representatives serve for a two-year (2-year) term with approximately one third elected each year. The remaining committee members shall be elected, or appointed, annually.
        (3) The chairperson of the committee is elected by and from the committee’s voting membership. The chairperson should work closely with the Environmental Health and Safety and Campus Police departments to keep the committee and campus constituents abreast of both acute and long-term issues facing the university.
      8. Facilities Planning Committee (FPC)
        (1) This committee studies and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate and appropriate administrative official(s) concerning policies and priorities for physical facilities, including buildings, equipment, and land acquisition and use. The committee also makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate on policies pertaining to parking, security, traffic and matters affecting campus safety.
        (2) Each Department may nominate one (1) faculty member for service on the Facilities Planning Committee. The committee shall consist of three (3) faculty members elected from and by the Faculty Senate; four (4) members elected by the Faculty Senate from a list of departmental nominees; one (1) administrative member appointed by the Chancellor, one (1) student selected by the Student Council, one (1) graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students, and one (1) non-voting member selected by the Chief Information Officer. Each faculty member shall serve for a two-year (2-year) term with approximately one-half of the faculty membership to be selected each year. The remaining committee members shall be elected, or appointed, annually.
      9. Honorary Degrees Committee (HDC)
        (1)This committee meets at least annually, and reviews current and previous recommendations from the Campus for honorary degrees. The committee shall submit its recommendations first to the Faculty Senate and then to the Chancellor. After appropriate review by the Chancellor, recommendations are forwarded to the University of Missouri (UM) System Honors Committee. All names shall be held in strict confidence, with public announcements to be made only by the University of Missouri Board of Curators or the Chancellor.
        (2) Each Department may nominate one (1) faculty member for service on the Honorary Degrees committee. The committee consists of the Provost and four (4) members elected by the Faculty Senate from the list of department nominees. Elected committee members serve one-year (1-year) terms.
      10. Information Technology / Computing Committee (ITCC)
        (1) This committee advises the Provost and the Chief Information Officer on the formulation and implementation of information technology (IT) and computing activities on campus. These activities include but are not limited to networking, email, academic computing, electronic data bases, web publishing, distance learning, electronic classrooms, academic software and procurement of equipment for faculty, student and staff desktops and campus IT/computing facilities.
        (2) The voting members of the committee consist of one (1) person elected from each academic department desiring representation, the Director of the Library or his/her appointee, two students selected by the Student Council, and one graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students. The non-voting members of the committee include the Provost, the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations and the Chief Information Officer. Department representatives serve for a three-year (3-year) term with approximately one third elected each year. The representative of the library serves for a three-year (3-year) term, while students serve for one year.
      11. Intellectual Property Committee
        (1) This committee, in conjunction with Technology Transfer and Economic Development, is concerned with the formulation and implementation of policies and procedures related to intellectual property. It reviews and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate, Chancellor and Provost on patent and copyright matters.
        (2) The committee consists of seven (7) members of which six (6) are faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate and one (1) is an administrative member appointed annually by the Provost, which can be the Director of Technology Transfer and Economic Development or its proxy. The faculty members shall serve for two (2) years with three (3) members elected each year. The committee shall be chaired by a faculty member. Priority for nominated members should be those with patent and/or copyright experience and appropriate representation from engineering, liberal arts, management and science academic departments.
      12. Intercampus Faculty Cabinet
        (1) IFC is a University of Missouri System Faculty Cabinet comprised of faculty representatives from each of the U.M. System campuses that serves as a liaison committee between the President and his staff and the four campus faculties.
        (2) Membership of this committee is comprised of the Past President, President, and President-Elect of the Faculty Senate. In the event that one of these officers cannot serve on the IFC, the Faculty Senate will elect the replacement campus representative for a one (1) year term.
      13. Library and Learning Resources Committee (LLRC)
        (1) This committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate and appropriate administrative officials with respect to the administration of the Library and Learning Resources facilities and on rules governing use by students, faculty, and others. It shall consider all problems concerning the operation of the Library and its facilities.
        (2) Each Department may nominate one (1) faculty member for service on the Library and Learning Resources Committee.  The committee consists of eight (8) elected by the Faculty Senate from the list of department nominees with each faculty member serving a two-year (2-year) term with approximately one half to be elected each year; one graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students and one undergraduate student to be selected by the Student Council and the Dean of the Library. 
      14. Personnel Committee (PC)
        (1) This committee recommends to the Faculty Senate general policies on the conditions of appointment, employment, compensation, and retirement of faculty and administrative officers. It also recommends reporting schemes and procedures regarding the annual salary and wage raise pool.
        (2) Each Department may nominate one faculty member for service on the Personnel Committee.  The committee consists of two faculty members elected from and by the Faculty Senate, four (4) elected by the Faculty Senate from the list of department nominees, one (1) faculty member elected from and by the Graduate Faculty, one (1) faculty member selected by the Staff Council, and one (1) administrative member appointed by the Chancellor. Elected members serve a two-year (2-year) term with approximately one half elected each year.
      15. Public Occasions Committee (POC)
        (1) This committee makes general plans for University-sponsored assemblies, programs and public occasions such as Open House Days, Homecoming, and Commencement. It recommends policy for faculty and student programs, guest speakers and ad hoc events. It also supervises the academic calendar.
        (2) The committee consists of six (6) faculty members elected from and by the General Faculty, one administrator appointed by the Chancellor, three (3) students selected by the Student Council, and one (1) student selected by the Council of Graduate Students. Faculty members shall serve for a two-year (2-year) term with one half elected each year.
        (3) The Commencement subcommittee of the POC is charged with planning and overseeing the implementation of plans for Commencement ceremonies and other events related to Commencement. This subcommittee is appointed with the authority of the Faculty Senate, given that its activities require assistance from individuals outside the POC. The subcommittee will report to the POC, and not directly to Faculty Senate. An annual report of activities of the Commencement subcommittee will be included in the annual report submitted by the POC.
        (4) Two (2) members elected by and from the POC are to serve on the Commencement subcommittee. As is the norm for events within the jurisdiction of the POC, changes deemed significant, as determined by the two subcommittee members, to the form or function of the Commencement ceremonies are subject to approval by Faculty Senate.
      16. Rules, Procedures and Agenda Committee (RP&A)
        (1) This committee oversees the application of these Bylaws, any Rules and Regulations of bodies established by them, and the process of Bylaw amendment as described elsewhere in these Bylaws. It may investigate and make recommendations on procedure to the Faculty Senate.
        (2) The committee is responsible for the conduct and supervision of Faculty Senate and General Faculty elections. It shall receive nominations from the faculty for elections, adding, but not deleting, names as necessary to provide candidates for all offices and committees and shall obtain the consent of all nominees.  The committee shall also be responsible for submitting slates of candidates nominated for serving on the standing committees for Faculty Senate elections, appropriately distributed among the disciplines.  In the event that nominations for committees from departments are fewer than the number of positions to be filled, RP&A may add additional departmental nominees to fill the positions which would otherwise become vacant.
        (3) It is the responsibility of this committee to prepare the agenda for Faculty Senate meetings and to assist the Secretary of the General Faculty in the preparation of the agenda for General Faculty meetings.
        (4) The voting members of the committee consists of the Past President, the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Parliamentarian of the Faculty Senate; one graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students; one student selected by the Student Council; and the chairs of the following standing committees: Academic Freedom and Standards, Budgetary Affairs, Curricula, Facilities Planning, Personnel, Student Affairs and Tenure Policy. Other Faculty Standing Committee chairs are ex-officio non-voting members.
        (5) The Past President officer of the Faculty Senate is the chairperson of RP&A. If the Past President is unable to serve, the Faculty Senate will elect a chairperson.
      17. Student Affairs Committee (SAC)
        (1) This committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding relationships between students and Missouri S&T, including, but not limited to, the following: student-teacher relationships; student-administration relationships; scheduling of classes and examinations; budgeting and distribution of funds paid by students for student activities; rules and regulations pertaining to student housing, health and services for students, University counseling services, departmental advisement practices; rules and regulations pertaining to student organizations, including varsity and intramural athletics; oversight and discipline of student organizations, including review of all sanctions, withdrawals or denials; operations of the University Center; student publications; and civil rights of all students. The committee may appoint subcommittees and delegate its responsibility to them. Members of such subcommittees need not be members of the Faculty Senate or the Student Affairs Committee.
        (2) Each department may nominate one (1) faculty member for service on the Student Affairs committee.  The committee consists of four (4) faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate from the list of departmental nominees, one (1) faculty member elected by and from the Faculty Senate; four (4) students selected by the Student Council; and one (1) student selected by the Council of Graduate Students.  The Director of Student Life, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and the Registrar are ex-officio non-voting members of the committee.
      18. Student Awards and Financial Aids Committee (SA&FAC)
        (1) This committee recommends policies regarding the administration of student awards and financial aids, including loans and scholarships, consistent with specifications of the respective donors and grantors. It shall be the duty of the committee to consider and rule on appeals that may be submitted by students regarding awards and financial aids.
        (2) The committee consists of three (3) faculty members elected from and by the Faculty Senate, two (2) faculty members elected from and by the General Faculty, two (2) undergraduates selected by the Student Council, one (1) graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students, the Provost, the Director of Student Financial Aid, and such other appointees as the Chancellor names. Each member has voice and vote when considering new or revised policy. When considering student appeals, only the elected faculty members, the Provost and the Director of Student Financial Aid have voice and vote. At the request of the appealing student, the undergraduate members--for an undergraduate--or graduate student member--for graduate students--may participate with voice and vote. Faculty members are elected for two-year (2-year) terms; students are selected annually.
      19. Tenure Policy Committee (TPC)
        (1)This committee is concerned with the tenure rights of faculty. It functions according to the principles stated in the Academic Tenure Regulations adopted by the University of Missouri Board of Curators. It may also make recommendations for policy changes through the Faculty Senate to the Board of Curators. It also serves as the judicial hearing committee for cases of research dishonesty and make recommendations of Dismissal for Cause (section 310.060 of ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations) to the Provost.
        (2) This committee consists of one (1) faculty member from each academic department whose faculty is eligible for tenure. The faculty of each academic department shall, during the second semester of each academic year, elect one of its eligible faculty members to membership on the TPC to serve for the following academic year, and also elect an alternate faculty member who shall serve whenever the regular committee member is unable to serve.
        (3) Faculty members shall be elected from the eligible Professors on continuous appointment. If there are no eligible Professors within a department, then faculty members shall be elected from the eligible Associate Professors. Vice Provosts, department chairs, and other persons who devote 50% or more of their time to administrative duties shall not be eligible for membership on the TPC.
    7. Judicial Committees
      1. Equity Resolution Hearing Panel (ERHP)
        (1) Per Chapter 600 of ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations, the Faculty Senate shall annually propose a list of twenty (20) faculty members to the Chancellor, from which ten (10) are selected by the Chancellor to serve in the panelist pool. The Chancellor also selects staff members to serve in the panelist pool. ˿Ƶ thereby creates and will annually train a pool of not less than ten (10) faculty and ten (10) administrators and/or staff to serve as hearing panel members in the Hearing Panel Resolution Process. Service in the panelist pool is a renewable one-year term.
        (2) Hearing Panels at Missouri S&T will include at least one faculty member and one administrator or staff member. Up to two (2) alternates from the pool may be designated to observe the process and to serve as a panel member if a panel member becomes unavailable.
      2. Grievance Hearing Panel (GHP)
        (1) This panel is concerned with the fair and equitable resolutions of faculty grievances with the University. It functions according to the principles stated in the Academic Grievance Procedure (section 370.010) adopted by the University of Missouri Board of Curators. It may also make recommendations for policy changes through the Faculty Senate to the Board of Curators.
        (2) The GRP is not involved in Equity Resolution Processes, which are covered under section 600 of ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations.
        (3) One (1) panel or two (2) panels of two (2) faculty members are elected by the Faculty Senate from nominations from academic departments to three years renewable terms on a rotational schedule. Whether one (1) or two (2) panels are populated is subject to determination by majority vote of the Faculty Senate.
      3. Grievance Oversight Committee (OC)
        (1) A member of the OC will be appointed to each grievance case following receipt of a Grievance Filing Form by the GRP. The OC representatives are observers of the confidential grievance processes: The OC representative may not participate in the deliberations or rendering of findings and recommendations by the GRP but provides a summative, evaluative report of each grievance process without conveying substantive information. The representatives also monitor the implementation of remedies that result from a grievance process.
        (2) Three (3) members are elected to three year terms on a yearly, staggered basis by the Faculty Senate from departmental nominees.
        (3) One (1) member is elected to OC from and by the Faculty Senate not as an oversight representative but rather to serve as the chairperson for the committee, who assigns members to grievances and who prepares the annual report to Faculty Senate as required by section 370.010 of ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations.
      4. Parking, Security and Traffic Committee (PS&T)
        (1) The committee oversees application of rules and regulations concerning parking and traffic. It functions according to the principles stated in ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations.
        (2) Each Department may nominate one (1) faculty member for service on the Parking, Security and Traffic committee. The committee shall be composed of twelve (12) faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate from the list of department nominees for a two-year (2-year) term with one-half being elected each year, two (2) undergraduate students selected by the Student Council, one (1) graduate student selected by the Council of Graduate Students, one (1) member selected by the Staff Council, and one (1) member selected the Director of the Physical Plant. Student terms shall be for one (1) year. The Director of the University Police shall be a member ex-officio. Two (2) additional committee members may be appointed by the Chancellor.
        (3) The PS&T shall elect one of the faculty committee members as chairperson for a one (1) year term.
      5. Student Conduct Committee (SCC)
        (1) This committee conducts hearings and makes dispositions under the Rules and Procedures in Student Conduct Matters as provided in Section 200.020 of ˿Ƶ of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations. It may also provide aggregate information regarding its decisions to the Faculty Senate, and make recommendations on policies relating to student discipline to the Faculty Senate for forwarding to the Board of Curators.
        (2) The committee consists of members as prescribed by the Board of Curators. All members of the committee shall have the same voting privileges and responsibilities. Faculty members serve two-year (2-year) terms with approximately one half elected each year.
      6. Student Scholastic Appeals Committee (SSA)
        (1) This committee establishes procedures for individual student scholastic appeals. The committee shall consider and rule on all individual cases of appeal relating to student scholastic performance, including but not limited to: graduation with honors, probation and dropping from school, readmission after being dropped for scholastic reasons, scholastic deficiencies and evaluation of credit and transfer of credits, grades and honor points from other campuses to Missouri S&T. It serves as an appeals board for cases of students on scholastic probation who are involved in the activities of organizations.
        (2) The committee shall consist of eight (8) members: three (3) faculty members are elected from and by the Faculty Senate; two (2) members are elected from and by the General Faculty; two (2) student members are selected by the Student Council; and one (1) student member is selected by the Council of Graduate Students. Faculty members serve a two-year (2-year) term with approximately one-half elected each year. Student members serve a one-year (1-year) term.
      7. Tuition and Residence Committee (TRC)
        (1) This committee assists the Cashier, when requested, in determining the residence status of a student relative to the required non-resident tuition fees established under the applicable regulations of the Board of Curators. The committee also considers properly filed appeals by students taking exception to the Cashier's ruling relative to their residence or tuition status.
        (2) This committee consists of three (3) faculty members and three (3) administrative members appointed for a one-year (1-year) term by the Chancellor, who shall designate one member as Chairperson. 
    8. Special Committees
      1. Special Committees addressing issues not presently in the purview of the Faculty Standing Committees or Judicial Committees may be authorized as needed by the Chancellor, the General Faculty, the Faculty Senate, the colleges, or departments. However, when the faculty or the administration establishes any committee having campus-wide responsibilities or authority, they shall file with the Secretary of the Faculty Senate a statement specifying the responsibilities, authority, and composition of the committee, timeline of authority for the committee, together with a list of current members.
      2. When deemed appropriate by the Chancellor, by the General Faculty, or by the Faculty Senate reports of Special Committees shall be distributed to all members of the General Faculty. Each Special Committee shall prepare an annual report to be made available to all faculty members.
      3. Whenever possible, Special Committees shall be organized prior to September 1 and be responsible for their duties from August 1 through July 31 of the following year. 
  5. Student Regulations
    1. The Student Council is the official voice for the undergraduate students to the Faculty; the Council of Graduate Students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology is the official voice for the graduate students.
    2. Rules and disciplinary regulations, which apply to students and the "University of Missouri Rules of Procedure in Student Disciplinary Matters" shall be printed in the "Manual of Information" and distributed to all students.
    3. Student Participation in Academic Governance
      1. Students shall be eligible to serve on the Faculty Senate and/or on committees as designated by these Bylaws.
      2. Individual students and student organizations may recommend changes in policies governing students to the appropriate committee. These recommendations, when submitted in writing, must be considered promptly by the committee or referred to the RP&A for proper assignment, and the students kept informed in writing of the disposition of the recommendations.
  6. Rules and Regulations -- All committees and any other permanent body established by these Bylaws, shall make rules and regulations necessary for the successful operation of their organizations by at least a simple majority of the body. Copies shall be filed with the Secretary of the General Faculty for general availability.
  7. Amending the Bylaws -- Amendments may be proposed by twenty (20) faculty members of the General Faculty by submitting them to the Rules, Procedures, and Agenda Committee. This committee must transmit the proposal to the General Faculty within fifteen (15) school days and then include the proposal in the agenda of the next General Faculty meeting. Voting on the proposed amendment shall be by a mail ballot and shall take place within fifteen (15) school days after completion of its consideration at a meeting of the General Faculty. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting shall be required for the adoption of the proposed amendment. If adopted, the amendment is presented by the Chancellor to the Board of Curators at their next meeting for consideration and will become effective immediately upon approval by the Board of Curators.
  8. Publication of the Bylaws and Committee Membership-- The Secretary of the General Faculty shall maintain, on a publicly accessible, open location (such as a worldwide web site), the current edition of these Bylaws, a list of the officers of the General Faculty, a list of the officers and members of the Faculty Senate, and the membership of all Standing and Judicial committees defined elsewhere in these Bylaws. The name, responsibilities, authority and current members of all other committees which have campus-wide responsibilities or authority will be similarly posted. The information shall be updated within thirty (30) days of any change in committee status.

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