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170.010 Publications

Executive Guideline No. 1, 4-23-69; Amended 9-4-74, 1-1-82 and 3-23-88.

  1. Responsibilities -- The director of UM University Relations is responsible for University publications produced at the system level. Each chancellor's designated representative for publications is responsible for University publications produced by the campus.
    1. The director of UM University Relations exercises this responsibility through UM University Relations.
      1. UM University Relations is responsible for producing and/or editing system and multicampus administrative publications.
      2. Other publications produced or reviewed by UM University Relations will include those of UM staff officers.
      3. UM University Relations supervises UM publications programs through:
        (1) Development and administration of UM publications policies and performance standards.
        (2) Review of budget and staffing requests for publications programs.
        (3) Review of publications programs, quality, purpose, effectiveness and expenditures.
    2. On the campus level, the chancellor's designated representative for publications is responsible for:
      1. The following categories of publications:
        (1) Administrative publications: i.e., publications issued for the benefit of prospective students and others who wish information about the campus or its programs. Among publications in this area are circulars of information; announcements of courses; general catalogs, announcements of the separate schools, colleges, divisions and curricula; the bulletins of the regular and summer sessions; promotional literature; general information leaflets; campus guides, leaflets dealing with the fellowships, scholarships and prizes; class schedules; local handbooks of rules and regulations for students; final examination schedules; circulars for new students; welcome booklets; commencement programs. Annual reports for campuses, schools, colleges, divisions and departments should not be undertaken without specific approval of the chancellors.
        (2) General informational publications for use of the public: General Information; agriculture series; reports of proceedings; all promotional materials and periodicals; business and government review and similar publications.
        (3)Newsletters: Initiation of newsletters for use outside the department, school, college or division should have approval of the campus publications office.
      2. Publication policies and performance standards for the campus in accordance with University policies and regulations.
      3. Review of staffing requests for campus publications.
      4. Review of publications programs and expenditures on the campus.
      5. Conducting a local review to evaluate the need, quality, and effectiveness of publications projects with particular regard to how well the purposes and audiences of publications are served.
      6. Centralizing publications activities to the maximum extent feasible or desirable to achieve efficient operation and control.
      7. Constantly reviewing content, treatment and design of administrative publications so that publications may receive continuing improvement.
  2. Printing -- Although campus printing facilities should be used when they can produce quality, timely and economical publications, the chancellor's designated representative for publications has the option of working directly with the campus purchasing department to contract printing jobs with outside vendors.
  3. Approval of New Publications -- Each chancellor's designated representative for publications has full responsibility and authority for review and approval of all new publications on the campus.
  4. Publications Copy -- Campuses and System Units
    1. All administrative publications should be prepared with the idea that they represent the whole University, as well as the issuing department or campus.
    2. To this end, primary publications such as catalogs will contain material on:
      1. The Board of Curators
      2. The president and vice presidents
      3. University organization
      4. University history
      5. University scope (teaching, research, extension, service)
    3. Secondary publications should contain similar information as appropriate and as space permits.
    4. Copy covering these items should be obtained from UM University Relations.
    5. The official University symbol should be used on University publications. The director of UM University Relations is responsible for disseminating rules and regulations for the systemwide identification program. Details on use of the symbol may be obtained from UM University Relations.

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