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460.020 Purposes of the Plan

Bd. Min. 2-11-83; Revised Bd. Min 4-9-15; Revised 6-25-15.

Faculty members of the UMKC School of Dentistry may be engaged in one or more of the following employment duties: teaching, research and patient care. Patient care is an integral part of the educational mission of the school for it provides to the instructor and the dental student the clinical laboratory experience essential to dental education.

This plan has been created to provide a means for additional compensation beyond their base salary. All payments to plan participants made pursuant to the provisions of this plan constitute supplemental compensation paid by the employer to the plan participants and is subject to all of the rules and regulations of the University of Missouri. This supplemental compensation shall not be used to calculate University retirement benefits or any other University benefit.

All plan income referred to in this section shall be irrevocably assigned to the University by the plan participants. No plan participants shall have any right, title or interest in any such plan income; and the University shall have the unrestricted right to such income and complete control over its disposition. Provisions in this plan for accounting for plan income and expenses and for recommendations from plan participants are not intended to and shall not be construed to confer on plan participants any right, title or interest in plan income, any right to control the disposition of plan income and expenses, or any right to determine salaries.

In addition to a Participation Agreement, each participant will sign a Non-Solicitation Agreement as a requirement of their participation in the Plan. These documents are a part of the Operations & Procedures Manual.  

The Plan is created to achieve the following purposes:

  1. To provide a system by which eligible faculty are provided an opportunity to achieve fulfillment of their commitment to high quality patient care;
  2. To recognize that high quality patient care is not only related to faculty participation in teaching and research, but also that high quality clinical teaching is dependent upon the faculty being engaged in active dental practice, as well;
  3. To establish a financial incentive mechanism for faculty compensation which enhances the attainment of the School of Dentistry goals of patient care, teaching and research;
  4. To inhibit the loss of highly qualified faculty to other academic health institutions and private practice because of differences in compensation and to attract qualified faculty for the same reason;
  5. To establish a venue for professional fee generation, compensation, and utilization to accomplish the above purposes.

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