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HR-214 Extra Compensation


It is recognized that in certain instances extra compensation is necessary to the mission of the University because of the great breadth of the University's instructional and service programs. Extra compensation may be authorized when an overload assignment is necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the University and the normal workload of employees cannot be adjusted to permit the proposed work to be done as part of regular duties. Extra compensation does not count as creditable earnings for the University retirement program.


Per Collected Rules and Regulations (CRR), Section 360.010: Extra Compensation (Executive Guideline No. 15, Amended 7-28-20):

The President of the University, under the authority delegated by the Board of Curators, does hereby establish the following guidelines.

  1. The Collected Rules and Regulations of the University of Missouri provide for payment to faculty and staff for overload responsibilities. Such payment is commonly referred to as extra compensation. This Executive Guideline is intended to assist in the interpretation and implementation of extra compensation for overload responsibilities. In this guideline, extra compensation refers to additional payment while a person is on appointment; it does not refer to summer appointments for a faculty member on nine-month service basis.
  2. Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ of Missouri has as an overall operational policy the objective of minimizing the use of extra compensation, since the responsibilities of faculty and staff to the University already include a full-time commitment to the University's balanced program of teaching, research, extension, and service. In most cases of additional duty, such as the case of full-time administrators teaching a course, compensation should be provided through released time from regular duties and payment as a part of regular salary. At the same time, it is recognized that in certain instances extra compensation is necessary to the mission of the University, because of the great breadth of the University's instructional and service programs.
  3. The following guidelines, therefore, summarize current recommendations regarding extra compensation.
    1. General Considerations for All Faculty and Staff
      1. When extra compensation duties are necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the University, University rules and regulations must be followed and the extra compensation must be approved by the appropriate administrative officials. To approve extra compensation, there is an expectation that full-time faculty and staff members have full loads based on prior agreement with their unit heads, that the normal load of the faculty or staff members cannot be reduced to permit the proposed work to be done as part of their regular duties, and that extra compensation is not a usual occurrence.  All recommendations for extra compensation pay must be approved by the Chancellor, Vice President, or their designees, following delegation of authority procedures. Extra compensation appointments involving two (or more) departments require signature approval from all departments involved.
      2. The purpose of extra compensation is for unanticipated activities which do not lend themselves to becoming part of the regular load. Extra compensation therefore should not be an expected part of total compensation.
      3. Schools and departments should develop long-range plans for instruction, in order to minimize unanticipated activities requiring extra compensation.
      4. Deans and other unit heads, or on campuses without deans, the Provost or designee, should be encouraged to integrate extension teaching into the regular course load of their faculties. All recommendations for extra compensation, in cases involving extra compensation of $1,000 or more, shall hereafter be accompanied by documentation on the teaching load, including courses taught, credit hours, and number of students enrolled, plus other responsibilities of the faculty or staff member.
    2. Specific Considerations for Academic Administrators
      1. Those academic administrators at the level of Dean (or its equivalent) or higher including administrators in the Provost’s, Chancellor’s and President’s Offices are not eligible to receive extra compensation from the University.  Annual compensation for these academic administrators should reflect all of their responsibilities and be determined at the time of the initial appointment and/or at the time of the annual review and salary adjustment.  All duties assigned to these administrators should be considered when setting their base compensation level.
      2. Those academic administrators below the level of Dean (or its equivalent) must meet all of the eligibility criteria and have the same rights and privileges as faculty in their specific units for all incentive and extra compensation programs.
      3. Summer session appointments for academic administrators on nine-month appointment are covered by Collected Rules & Regulations 360.020.

Further HR Policy Provisions

Additional HR-214 policy provisions below in accordance with CRR 360.010:

  1. Compensation to employees providing services, on an overload basis, must be determined by the department head and other appropriate administrative officials.
  2. All recommendations must be submitted far enough in advance to permit time for review and approval.
  3. Extra compensation does not count as creditable earnings for the University retirement program.

See Also

HR-201 Authorization for Personnel Actions
HR-205 Position Classification and Compensation
HR-211 Overtime
HR-216 Summer Appointments

Date Created: 09/26/1997
Updated: 01/30/2006; 10/29/2020

Reviewed 2021-01-22