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HR-522 Telework Arrangements


˿Ƶ may approve telework arrangements for employees whose job duties are appropriate for such assignments, if operationally feasible, and when there is a business need.

HR Policy Provisions

  1. Eligibility and Approvals
    1. “Telework”’ is a work arrangement in which some or all the work is performed from home or another off-site location on a regular basis. Telework arrangements include both “fully remote” and “hybrid” arrangements.
    2. Employees may be permitted to telework if their job duties can be performed remotely without disrupting University operations and they have appropriate University approval as documented on the Telework form.
    3. Requests for telework should be determined based on organizational needs and the ability to serve internal and external customers of the University with the same efficiency and effectiveness of being on-site.
    4. Requests for telework as a reasonable accommodation for a disability should be made and reviewed in accordance with CRR 600.080, Policy Related to Employees with Disabilities.
    5. Requests for telework outside of the United States require authorization from a member of the Research and Security Compliance Team. See CRR 430.020 Export Control and Sanction Compliance for more details.
  2. University Responsibility
    1. Universities may establish additional campus, college/school/division, or departmental rules for approving and managing telework arrangements.
    2. ˿Ƶ may issue some or all of the following if approved by the University:
      1. Equipment for home use: computers, monitors, keyboards, mouse, docking station, softphones, and other equipment deemed essential and within budget. Other equipment needs may vary and are determined by the department head, director, or designee.
      2. Office supplies. Supplies will not typically be shipped to the alternate worksite.
    3. ˿Ƶ will not provide the following, unless required by law or approved under extenuating circumstances:
      1. Furniture, such as desks, chairs, and file cabinets.
      2. Reimbursement for internet or cell phone expenses.
    4. ˿Ƶ is not liable for personal equipment even if the employee is engaged in University work at the time of the malfunction.
  3. Supervisor Responsibility
    Supervisors or designees are responsible for:
    1. Recommending whether an employee’s job duties are appropriate for a telework arrangement, whether such an arrangement is operationally feasible, and whether there is a business need for a telework arrangement.
    2. Reviewing requests for telework arrangements on an equitable basis to employees with similar job duties, but supervisors may consider individual factors, including an employee’s specific job duties and performance and whether the employee has demonstrated skills and work habits required for successful telework, in considering whether a telework arrangement is appropriate.
    3. Periodically reviewing telework arrangements and recommending or managing necessary adjustments.
      1. Telework arrangements may benefit the employee, but they should not disrupt University operations or put an undue burden on the supervisor or the rest of the employee’s team.
      2. Supervisors have flexibility to implement measures to manage employees while teleworking, including measures to monitor accountability, collaboration, communication, and time management.
      3. Recommending when and if a telework arrangement should be extended, revised, or ended.
  4. Employee Responsibility
    1. Employees requesting telework arrangements should submit a Telework Arrangement form.
    2. The general expectation for a telework arrangement is that the employee will effectively accomplish their regular job duties, regardless of work location. Failure to meet job expectations may lead to disciplinary action including, but not limited to modification or termination of the telework arrangement.
    3. Maintenance of University-owned equipment, including computers, will be performed only by a University authorized technician. The employee will be responsible for getting the equipment to the University designated repair location, including any costs associated with shipping. Necessary maintenance and repairs on University-owned equipment will be performed at the University's expense.
    4. Employees will ensure they have adequate technology connectivity to perform all required work activities.
      1. University IT recommendations for internet connectivity can be found at: /ums/is/campus-specific-remote-work-resources
      2. Employees should work with their IT Pro to ensure their computer updates are happening on a timely basis.
    5. Responsible for protecting University records and information from unauthorized disclosure or damage while teleworking including, but not limited to:
      1. Ensuring that official records and information are secure and not stored in a way that would make them available to unauthorized individuals.
      2. Safeguarding files, documents, equipment, and other materials transported back and forth between the approved work site and the university.
      3. Complying with University HIPAA and other compliance policies and procedures regardless of where the employee is working.
    6. If an employee is unable to work effectively at their remote location for any reason (e.g., internet connection is down, construction, distractions, etc.) the employee shall notify their supervisor and make up the lost time, take time off, or temporarily relocate to another location.
    7. The employee is responsible for following University rules, regulations, and policies while teleworking, including but not limited to HR-106 Reporting Hours Worked, HR-211 Overtime, HR-409 Work-Incurred Injury or Illness, HR-507 Conflict of Interest, and HR-518 Computer Utilization.
    8. Upon termination of the telework arrangement or employment, the employee must return all University-issued items to the University.
  5. Procedure Information
    1. Telework Arrangement Form
      1. The Telework Arrangement form is used for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to, helping supervisors and employees have a shared understanding of the work arrangement.
      2. The Telework form is not a contract of employment and does not alter the at-will status of any at-will University employee.
      3. Telework arrangements may be denied or modified at any time, including based on operational needs and employee performance.
    2. Workers’ Compensation
      1. Employees with approved telework arrangements will be covered by workers’ compensation for job-related injuries that occur in the course and scope of employment while telecommuting. Workers’ compensation coverage will not apply to non-job-related injuries that might occur in or outside the home or for incidents that occur outside of work hours.
      2. Employees with telework arrangements are responsible for reporting any job-related injuries to their supervisor as soon as possible and seek treatment from authorized medical care providers consistent with University policy.
    3. Travel Reimbursements – Travel expenses may be eligible for reimbursement if the travel is ordinary and necessary and is away from the employee’s Tax Home for University business. See policy Allowable Travel Expenses for details.

See Also

Forms and resources


Date Created: 08/18/2020
Updated: 02/15/2023; 10/24/2023

Reviewed 2024-09-05