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Financial Compliance Training

Financial Compliance - What does this mean?

Financial Compliance means the University is following all policies, procedures, and rules for the resources received.  The following online training courses provide a resource to help employees ensure compliance.

The Controller's office is available to provide additional live training sessions to discuss practical application of these concepts.  Please contact the Controller's Office at 573-882-3039 or your Accounting Office for additional training needs.  Click on the link on the left to Request Additional Training.

It is helpful to print the slides (click on the PDF) before viewing the online session. 


Financial Accounting Online Training

This session defines ChartFields including their purpose and discusses examples of how ChartFields are used  at the University.

This session provides a basic understanding of fund accounting at the University and discusses the responsibilities of fiscal staff related to fund accounting.

This session describes the PeopleSoft Access listings, how to work with the reports, and the things a reviewer should be cognizant of.

This session provides an understanding of the concept of segregation of duties, and discusses practical application at the University.

This session provides an understanding of the 5 major types of transactions, Journal Entry, Correcting Entry, Payroll Correcting Entry, Internal Service Entry, and Transfer Entry.  The training explains the purpose of, the basic rules, and the processes for making the entry. 


 Sponsored Programs Online Training

This session discusses the roles and responsibilities of the Principal investigator, Research Administrator, and Sponsored Programs Office upon receiving the Notice of Grand Award, including negotiation and acceptance up to establishing a fully executed award in the financial system.

This session discusses the allowable costs for sponsored awards based on the federal government's requirements.  

This session discusses the fiscal compliance requirements related to cost sharing, and the responsibility of the Research Administrator and Principal Investigator.

This session describes the compliance requirements and the University's process for making Cost Transfers and Payroll Correcting Entries for Sponsored Programs.

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This session explains the compliance requirements for effort reporting and the University's process for certifying effort.

This session discusses the Principal Investigator's responsibilities for sponsored programs for pre-award activities, post-award management, and the related key fiscal compliance requirements.

This session discusses the compliance requirements and responsibilities of the Principal Investigator, Research Administrator, and Sponsored programs Office regarding the preparation review and submission of an award proposal.

This session discusses the various aspects for closing an award and related compliance requirements.




Reviewed 2023-01-26